"I mean, they have picked no one yet, but I know I have a significant chance. Miss Wick loves me"

I smirked. "And does Mr Deeks love you too?"

He blinked. I bet he didn't think about him, but I haven't stopped thinking about him since our very first day.

"He will, with time"

I laughed and patted him on the shoulder, walking past him. To my dismay, he kept walking.

"Don't you have a game to go back to?"

"I'm walking with you now. It would be rude of me if I didn't take you to your destination"

"You don't need to take me anywhere"

"But I want to"

Is he deaf? Wait! What if the reason he's insisting is that he likes me too? Oh my god! He likes me too!

Maybe he would court me like a knight in shiny armour, making me his princess. I was being silly, but I liked to think maybe he would.

"Fine, you can come," I gave in.

He smiled and walked by my side, straight to the canteen where Jade and Courtney were most likely putting in motion a pudding kidnapping that had everything to go wrong.

Before we could reach the stone building, one of Micah's friends stopped us from giving another step. Dean.

"Mate, where are you going? The teams are unbalanced without you. Were you just going to leave without a word?"

"No, I was just taking AJ to... wherever she was going, and then I was coming back"

Dean frowned. "Why? Can't she walk her own?"

"She's right here" I waved a hand.

He turned to me. "Can't you walk on your own?"

"You're mean" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He ignored me completely and turned to Micah.

"Are you coming or what?"

"I'll be right back, let me just drop her off"

I put my hand over his arm. "It's okay, go. He's right, I can walk on my own"

He looked like he was about to say something, but I didn't give him the chance, turning around almost immediately and leaving them.

Once I opened the door to the canteen, I was pushed out by Courtney coming out at the exact moment, making us both fall. Jade jumped over us and closed the door before they could see the six puddings around us.

"Courtney" I called.

"What?" she lifted her head from my chest.

"Why do I think you smashed a chocolate pudding between us?"

"You feel it too?"

Jade pulled Courtney out of me and I got up by myself, both our shirts stained with brown.

Jade picked up the remaining boxes and threw them to the closest bin, the one we smashed.

"We should get going, don't you think?" she asked, and we nodded.

We sprinted to the common room, avoiding teachers and anyone who could report us. Luckily for us, the room was empty since it was Friday afternoon and everyone was outside or in classes.

Courtney and I put our uniform shirts to wash and changed to casual clothes since my dad would be there soon to pick us up.

"There are six puddings left, two for each of us," Jade separated. "Who wants what?"

"Can I have the chocolate pudding?" I asked "And maybe the vanilla"

She gave them to me, and I sat on the armchair opposite to them. They split the rest between them, chocolate and strawberry for Court and vanilla and strawberry for Jade.

"So..." I started, "Have you called your parents?"

Jade sighed. "I did. They said I can't. But don't worry about me, have fun the two of you"

"No, Jade..." I started.

"Go," she cut me off. "I'll be here with the other girls all weekend. I won't be alone"

Courtney swallowed. "Are you sure?"


I tried to change her mind, but she refused to be a burden to us, even when we reassured her she wasn't.

Later, Courtney and I sat on the steps of the stair outside the gate, waiting for my father to come to pick us up, playing cards.

Soon my dad showed up, and we got in the car.

"Hey, dad," I greeted as I sat down. "This is Courtney, the friend I told you about"

"Hi!" he waved at her and then turned to me again. "I have to go back to work and I'll probably have to do the night shift. You can order a pizza, okay?"

I nodded. There it is. My dad is never around! I know he has to work, but I just wish he was more time with me. Maybe I should've just gone with mom...

Not long after, we were saying goodbye to him and heading to my bedroom. I lived in a two-story house with a big back garden, very different from the shoe box my mom lived in London.

I sat on my bed, and she wandered through the space, taking it in. "Wow, AJ, your room is pretty cool, your closet is twice as mine!"

I smiled shyly. I rarely brought any of my friends to my house, mostly because I didn't have them.

"So, what are you going to do first?"

"We could watch a film?" I offered.

She nodded. "Nice, I want to watch that Step Up you're always talking about"


I don't even know what the hell did I write in this chapter. I didn't really know what to write so I kind of did...this, but I honestly feel like this chapter is shit.

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