Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for seeing us. Sam why don't you wait outside for a few minutes. I want to ask Miss. Irungu something." His dad requested.

Sam looked at me with an I told you so face and I just smiled and nodded at him encouragingly.

"See you next week Miss."

"Bye Sam. Remember what we talked about." I replied and he nodded before walking out.

"Well Mr.Njogu. I think I know what all this is about." I said looking at the nervous older man.

I wonder why I had that effect of people especially men. Was I too intimidating?

"You do?" He asked.

"Yes well Sam brought it up saying that you were going to ask me out." I started and but he interrupted me before I could finish.

"That sneaky boy. But what do you say?" He asked looking at me hopefully.

"Am going to tell you the same thing I told him. It's against the policy. If I started seeing you romantically I'd have to stop seeing Sam and we've made such good progress. You wouldn't want that would you." I asked playing the guilt card. It always worked.

"No of course not. Am sorry for bringing it up." He apologized and brushed it off. Told you it always worked.

"It's okay don't worry about it. Ill see you next week." I said wanting to quickly end this conversation.

"See you next week." He said and quickly walked out.

I exhaled audibly and looked around the room. Time to write my summaries, tidy up and go home. It has been a long day. I sat on my desk and began jotting all the needed notes down about my session with Sam. After that was done,I filed all of today's notes and tidied up the mess made today.

After all that was done I grabbed my jacket, bag and keys and headed out locking the door behind me. I then headed out of the building saying goodbye to the people I knew on the way out. The job paid decently enough so I had bought myself with the help of my sisters of course because there was no was I could afford such a car and my rent on my salary alone, a sleek matte black Audi. It was a beautiful machine, small and beautiful just for me. I unlocked my car and got in before starting the car and carefully backing out of the parking lot and soon enough I blended into the evening traffic on my way home.

An hour later I pulled up into my apartment building and parked it my allocated slot. I got out of the car, parked it before entering the building and walking up the stairs to the third floor. No need to use the elevator. I needed the exercise anyway having been couped up in my office all day.

When I got to my floor which had four doors I walked to the end of the hallway where my apartment was located, unlocked the door and got in. I took off my shoes and put my keys in the bowl by the door and walked past my living room and kitchen and into my bedroom.

I needed a long soak after the long day. My place was a two bedroom apartment with an open plan kitchen and living room. The master bedroom had an inbuilt closet and its own bathroom with a bathtub. The extra bedroom also had its own bathroom but it didn't have a bathtub.

I shed my clothes as I filled the tub with hot and cold water to provide the perfect mix. I had grabbed a glass of wine from the kitchen on my way in here so I just entered the tub with my glass in hand as I soaked in the scented soapy water full of bubbles.

I know what you're all asking. Where is Gabriel? I've been here ranting about my work and my patients but where is the man. Well honestly I don't know. I wanted to introduce you all to my life without Gabriel before you all start badgering me about it. He may have been gone from my life but he wasn't gone from my heart, I thought to myself as I played with the ring hanging between my breasts as it hung in a simple silver chain.

Yes I still had the ring and the helmet which I hung like a trophy over my bed. I alternated between wearing the ring on my right hand or around my neck. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them. To be more honest I couldn't bring myself to get rid of the evidence of Gabriel ever being in my life. I still had pictures of him on all my social media platforms never having the heart to take them down. I still had a whole folder in my phone and laptop filled with pictures of him and us that I constantly went through. I knew it was stupid hanging onto a man that I myself had left but I couldn't help it. It's been almost three years since I last saw him and I can't seem to let him go.

The guys kept contact with him but he never asked about me so I never asked about him. What if he had moved on and I hadn't? The thought of Gabriel with another girl felt like a stab through the heart. I know I was the one who let him go but it doesn't mean I wasn't entitled to my feelings. I could feel however I wanted to so all of you stop judging me. I already beat myself up enough. I don't need it from anybody else.

Now let me just soak in here with my wine and my thoughts. It's been a long week and I needed to relax.






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