"I hope so," she said, sitting very gingerly down. He watched her and frowned. "Are you all right?"

"I will be eventually, Don," she said.

"Karen?" he whispered.

"Yes, it is me," she said.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was bored, and the others had work to do, so I came with them."

"They were not supposed to leave your side."

"They haven't. They are in this office somewhere," she smiled.

Don stood and going to the door, he closed it, and then sat back down.

"How are you feeling? You look better."

"I feel better, but it will take a while. Broken ribs really hurt."

"I know because I have had them. I saw how you sat down."

"Yes, it is kind of painful, but I will get better," she said. "So, what is going on? Do you need me to help you with anything?"

"You cannot help me; you can hardly walk," he said, "but I will tell you what is going on."

"Okay," she said.

"Well, we brought in some more Scorpions," he said, just as the door opened.

"Hey, Don, sorry to interrupt, but where is Karen?" Charles asked. "Ed said she was here."

"I am right here, Charles," Karen said, without turning. He walked in and closed the door behind him and then walked around so he could see her.

"Wow, you look totally different."

"Isn't that the idea?"

"Yes, but that is a drastic change. So what are you guys talking about?"

"I was just telling her about the three Scorpions that we just brought in. They won't talk, they just keep saying they want their lawyers."

"You could have Heather, I mean Karen interrogate them," Charles suggested. "I heard she does a good job."

"Would you be up to interrogating, Karen?" Don asked her.

"Just as long as I have someone in there with me. I am not sure I could hold anyone down right now."

"I will come with you," he assured her.

"I will wait behind the mirror," Charles said, as he helped Heather to her feet.

She smiled at him, and they walked down the hall to the interrogation rooms. Each man was in a separate room.

"Who would you like me to start with?" she asked Don.

"The one in the first room. He won't crack, no matter what we have threatened him with."

"Okay," Heather said, and Don opened the door for her as she stepped inside, Don close behind her. One of the agents stood inside the door, watching the prisoner.

The prisoner looked up at Heather as she walked in. He grinned. "Well, it is about time I had some little Chiquita brought to me. Come here beautiful, let us get to know each other."

Don was instantly on the man and in his face.

"That is an agent you are talking too," he growled. "You say something like that again, and I will make you pay, got it?"

"You can't do anything to me," the man sneered at him.

"Let him go, Lieutenant," Heather said.

"Yes, let me go," the man said, watching Heather.

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