Silence reverberated in my ears except for the faint sound of a woman's high-pitched shriek in the distance. It was a pleading wail, accentuated with the loud crack of the whip. My body was shaking. Was it from unfairness or fury, I didn't know. The screaming abruptly stopped, only to be replaced by my ragged panting. My throat is unusually hoarse as if I have just drunk liquid fire. Sweat beaded on my forehead and dry blood flaked off my scar-covered skin. Fresh blood flows down lazily down my back, collecting in puddles under my knees.

I then realised that I was the one screaming. My torturer had left, nowhere to be seen. I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't know how long more I could hold up for. I let my heavy eyelids droop as I spend the cherished few seconds of peace.

I must have dozed off, as the steady sound of slow clapping jolted me out of my daze. I whipped my head around, trying to see where the source of the noise was coming from, wincing at the sudden jerk of movement. Three figures emerged from the crowd, an aura of authority clinging to them. They continued clapping, a steady rhythm accompanied by their low laughs. They were cloaked in capes with hoods, their hoods drawn up even though it was a scorching summer day. I snickered quietly under my breath. Who do they think they are? Walking around as though they are fine kings. With a flick of their hands, their hoods are down revealing themselves to be the village Elders. Immediately, everyone bows but I refused to, instead setting into a hard stare, unflinching.

"Had a fun time Eleena dear?" Japeth, the second-eldest of the brothers drawled, his eyes scanning the crowd before sliding back to me.

I glared at them, pouring all the hatred and disgust into that one look. They are playing a dangerous game and I know it. I will not give them the satisfaction of using me as a pawn. The villagers slowly filed out in orderly lines, giving us some privacy.

"Of course, my lords," I say sweetly, sarcasm dripping off every word. I mentally cursed at them as I batted my eyelashes and smile.

Their raspy chuckle echoed in the air. Oh, they know. They know that I am walking a very fine line. This is indeed a very treacherous game.

"Eleena, Eleena, always the bold one," Gaius sighed as though scolding a child, "haven't you already learnt your lesson? Look at what happened to you the last time you stood against the village Elders. Haven't you had enough?"

I cringed. No, anything but that. I will not let them use me, never for the rest of my life. I shoved down the memory as it threatened to replay, glimpses of my family tied to wooden stakes flashed before me.


"Do you mean what you have brought onto the human realm?" I spat, "On you? On me? On everyone in this cursed village? Do you know what the faeries would do if they heard about how you-"

"Don't speak of another word bitch," Dimitri said, anger lacing his voice.

"You fool," hissed Gaius, "you know what happens when you say their name, it summons them."

They looked around frightfully as though they thought someone was watching us before all three of their heads snapped towards me. Anger was evident in their eyes as well as annoyance, loathing, and ... fear?

I grimaced. I had forgotten how powerful saying the name of their kind could be. No human dared talked about them, not unless they had a death wish.

Faeries. That single word burned into my mind. Creatures of beauty and wealth that live on the uppermost section of the land we shared. Rumour has it that they are bloodthirsty and inhumane savages, keeping human slaves as their personal pets. The humans had rebelled against the faeries of course, only to have their lives lost to the merciless fae. A full out war had raged then, killing millions of innocents from both parties. It was known as the human-fae war. After years of fighting, rulers from both sides had decided that it was enough, as the casualties were too high. They then came together to sign a truce, therefore creating the Covenant of Peace. The Covenant of Peace still stands to this day, keeping humans and faeries apart in reprieve.

The Infernal Crown: Of Roses and LiesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora