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"Yukhei, can you please watch over the boys at my house?" Jungwoo called yukhei over the phone, explaining he is "busy" today and he can't watch over them. Like, who leaves 20-year old boys tho? plus, they want to meet him specially Chenle.

-but the real reason is that he and Jaehyun have a date that day.

"pleasee.." jungwoo said. "ok, fine send me the address be there soon" yukhei replied as he felt that it was his responsibility as jungwoo's best friend. They've been friends ever since that meeting in Busan. It's been a year now and yukhei confessed his feelings for jungwoo, in front of Jaehyun. Because he wants to hear everything.

A few minutes later, yukhei arrived and was surprised when the boys he expected weren't as small as he thought. All this time he thought Jungwoo was talking about four year olds.

It was time for Jungwoo to leave so he waved goodbye at them as jaehyun waited for him with his car.

Yukhei and the three, Donghyuck, Jaemin, and Chenle, had a fun time. They played video games, ordered pizza, and watched movies.

"i love you so much, i hope you know that" jaehyun said as he kissed jungwoo's hand.

"aww, i love you too" jungwoo responded.

They had a peaceful dinner, just the both of them.

Sometimes, unexpected events happen in our lives, but sometimes it also turns out to be a new begining for something better or worse. In this story's case, it turned out to be better. We must make the right desisions and follow our hearts, who knows maybe a story of ours might unfold, and find our own happy ending like the "boys in the rain".

"I love the rain, but I love you the most"

helloooo, I haven't updated for  more than ten days i'm sorry
another story finished
Thank You for all your support
on this book..
it was a success
and I might be on hiatus
because classes are starting soon
but I'll be back with new books after some time
Thank You

Edit: This story reached 1k+ reads Thank You so much 🥺


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