Chapter 9: The Fake

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The Basement of the warehouse is very chilly and somewhat spooky. The hallways are thin and narrow. The doors are made of steel metal. The last room at the end of the hall is where all of the hard work is done. Entering the room many pig carcasses are hanging from the ceiling. In the middle of the room is a steel chair. Within the chair is a man who is dressed up as Batman with some blood trickling down the side of his mouth. He is chained to the chair and looks frightened. The man's pupils grow wider as he sees the monster in front of him. What he didn't notice, was the second monster in the corner of the room. The red light signals that the camera has just started recording. The news station played the video for everyone to see. "Beware. The image is disturbing." The video started to reveal the grey, dimly lit room that is filled with pig carcasses. "Tell them your name" the man behind the camera stated. "Brian." Little cackles come from behind the screen. "Are you the real Batman?" The man tied to the chair looks down disappointed. "No." "No?" The monster mocks. "No." "No? Then why do you dress up like him?" The man behind the camera grabs the headpiece of the Batman suit and holds it up in front of the camera. He shakes it around laughing, but unexpectedly a knife is thrown across the room and takes it away from the man's hands. The knife struck the mask of the suit into the wall behind the man and is shown on camera. This action makes Brian start to tremble. The camera for a split second whips over to reveal the other person in the corner of the room while the man behind the camera starts laughing maniacally. It was too quick of a motion to notice who it was, but it still revealed to be some woman. The camera reverts to Brian in the chair. "He's a symbol that we don't have to be afraid of scum like you" Brian responds finally. "Yeah. You do Brian." The man grabs his face and shakes it. "You really do!" To mock the man even more he starts petting Brian's face. "Oh! Shh shhhh." Then after petting his face the monster behind the camera started to slap Brian's face on either side softly. "So you think that Batman has made Gotham a better place?" "Yeah." The man with the camera backs up to reveal Brian looking towards the ground. "Look at me... LOOK AT ME!" Brian finally looks up at the man. Finally, the camera turns around to reveal that the Joker is the one who is controlling the device. The camera ended up being shaky as the Joker starts to make his point. "You see. This is how crazy Batman has made Gotham! You want order in Gotham, Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in." He pauses. "Oh! and every day he doesn't people will die. Starting tonight." The Joker then pulls the camera even closer to his face and speaks in a very serious voice, "I'm a man of my word!" The Joker then breaks off the video by laughing his hyena laugh and dropping the camera making it go static. After the video ends. The Joker looks over towards (Y/N). "Nice touch," he smirks pointing towards the mask that is stuck in the wall with the knife. (Y/N) just smiles at him and chuckles. The Joker and (Y/N) quickly dispose of Brian and do as they promised. The Joker and (Y/N) then go upstairs to clean up.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

After taking a shower and cleaning the blood off of my body, I get dressed and head towards the Joker's room. Knocking on his door, it takes him a bit before he answers. The door opens to reveal the Joker in casual clothes with his makeup still on. I walk through the door without him being able to answer. He closed the door behind me. I jump onto his bed. "So, do you have any more plans for tonight?" The Joker looked somewhat taken aback by this question. "No. Why?" (Y/N) sat up and looked straight at him. "I have something fun in mind you might like." The Joker just looks at her questionably. (Y/N) just continues to look at him and then exhales loudly. "You can trust me you know Jack. Come on. It'll help blow off some steam. We already know what the plans for tomorrow are, let's go out for a bit and have some fun." The Joker looked at her and then just nodded his head. Walking out of the room together, the Joker heads straight to the car. (Y/N) stops before entering the car. "TYRELL!" Tyrell came out quickly. "Yes?" "Watch the warehouse while we are gone. If anything happens you tell me! Got it?" "Yes (Y/N)!" "Good." With that, she gets in the car and starts driving. The Joker doesn't say anything but just stares out the window. "If you keep being tense like that you are going to develop a brain aneurism." The Joker lets out a small laugh and relaxes a bit. The car pulls up at their destination. The Joker looks at (Y/N) in question. They are in the middle of nowhere looking at an old barn. (Y/N) just smirks at him and reaches for the bag that's behind the driver's seat. The Joker looks at her questionably. "Here." (Y/N) gives him a detonator. "This barn used to be a criminal base. It is still owned by Lau to this day. Nobody uses it anymore, but I know that they still have secret cash and drugs hidden here. It's a detonator. You have the honors." The Joker has no idea what to say. He just stares at (Y/N) and then finally smiles. He pushes the button and they wait. They wait for about thirty seconds before the whole warehouse explodes. The Joker is laughing and (Y/N) is smiling, but it's not over yet. Fireworks started spewing out of the warehouse and into the sky. Lighting it up and creating beautiful colors in the dark abyss. The Joker looks up surprised and amazed. (Y/N) is sitting there looking at the fireworks smiling and enjoying them. She doesn't notice the Joker staring at her for a bit until he looks back up. Both of them are having the time of their lives and relaxing a bit. "Okay. I think it's time to go before the police show up. Lau is going to be so pissed!" (Y/N) states while laughing. The Joker laughs along and smiles to himself. He can't help but be somewhat... happy? He's never had anyone want to take him out and surprise him like this. The Joker knows what this feeling is. It scares him in some way, but at the same time, he wants to experience it. (Y/N) drives them both "home", and they exit the vehicle and go into Joker's room one more time. "That was fun!" "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now get you should get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow." The Joker nods. "Goodnight Doll." (Y/N) smiles. "Goodnight J." With that, she turns around and walks towards her room. Her heart is beating a little fast and she feels happy. Something she hasn't felt in a long time. She too is scared of this feeling, but she is willing to risk everything to experience this. If it doesn't go well, she will just leave and live her criminal life somewhere else, but deep down, she knows that it might not happen that way. Entering her room, she strips off her clothes and puts on a long t-shirt and underwear. She crawls into the silky bedsheets and lays her head down on the soft pillow. Her eyes start to close and she starts to drift off into sleep while thinking about how tomorrow's plans are going to go. 

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