Chapter 12: Catching Up With Friends

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

It was now the afternoon of the next day. I already got up, showered, and got dressed in comfy clothes. The Joker was downstairs training with some of his goons. Taking it mostly easy on my bullet wound, I decided to relax a bit more. I'm ready to join the Joker again soon, I just have to be careful when I do so. Getting up, I go to the nearest bathroom and check on my wound. It was closing up pretty fast. It is no longer a dark purple, now it is the gross yellow and green color a bruise gets when it's healing, but there's still a slight hole there. Putting some new gauze and tape on, I decided to grab some food. Walking towards the fridge I opened it to find hardly any food. I decided that maybe I should get some groceries. Taking money out of my room that was obviously not mine, I headed for the door. "Tyrell." "Yes Boss?" "If anyone asks, tell them I went to the grocery store and that I'll be back soon." "Yes Boss. Be careful please." I just looked at him and smirked. The grocery store wasn't far, and I haven't been outside in a while to enjoy it, so I started walking towards the store. The air was fresh, the sky was a bright blue, the sun was peaking out behind the clouds, but it was nice to have the overcast. It wasn't cold, but it was a colder day than it has been recently. Reaching the market, I bought lots of groceries to keep in the warehouse. I pulled up my hoodie to make sure no one noticed me. Returning back to the warehouse, the Joker was nowhere to be seen. Hearing noises downstairs, I realized that they were doing a full day of training. That included fitness, weapons, gun range, etc. Putting all of the bags of groceries on the counter, I started to empty them and put them in their rightful places. It was now close to 2:00pm. Nobody downstairs had eaten anything and neither had I. To be useful and do something, I started to make everyone some sandwiches and grab a pitcher of water to refill their water bottles. Grabbing the loaves of bread I bought and some meat and cheese, I started putting the sandwiches together. Stacking them all neatly on a plate, I grabbed the water pitcher with my other hand and started towards the basement. Being careful not to drop  the food, I walk into the training room. One of the goons noticed me and stopped what he was doing. This caused the Joker to turn around and notice me. "I got food for everyone. Nobody has eaten in awhile and neither have I." The Joker continues to stare at you. "Take a break." he shouts to all of the goons. You take a sandwich and hand it to the Joker, walking over to the table you put the plate of sandwiches down as well as a pitcher of water. You made sure to grab a sandwich for yourself before you walked back towards the Joker. You both sat on a bench opposite from the goons and started eating. "How's training going." "Meh. They all need work. What've you been up to?" "Nothing really. I went grocery shopping because we had no food, got hungry, and decided to make food for everyone." The Joker nodded his head. "Hey. We're going to a party tonight. Dress nice. I will come get you from your room in four hours." "Ahh. Let me guess. The annual Penguin party?" The Joker snickered. "So, I'm guessing you've been to one?" "Yup! Being Jinxx I had to make some friends somehow." The Joker scoffed. "Alright, well, take this as a day to catch up with some of them. I need to talk to some people there anyways. Oh! It's a masquerade party." "I figured he was going to do something like that because of what happened last time." The Joker started laughing. "He should've known that some secret agents would have tried to come in and crash it." I started laughing as well. "Alright, I guess I will go get ready and distract myself for the next four hours" I stated rolling my eyes. I got up and went upstairs. I decided to shower. Turning the water onto hot, I stepped in. The water burned my wound, but it eventually went numb. Oh well, needs to stay clean anyways. Grabbing some shampoo, I started to scrub it all over my head. I left it sit there while I scrubbed my body with my scented body wash. After doing that, I rinsed off the body wash and the shampoo. Deciding to take care of my hair and keep it healthy, I put loads of conditioner in my hair and pinned it up. I was letting it deep condition while I took my time shaving my legs, pits, and everywhere else. Finally done shaving, it was time to rinse out the conditoner. I was done showering now. I spent a good half an hour in the shower. Wrapping my body with a towel, I walked to my mirror and wiped off the steam that had gathered onto it. If we are going to a party, I am going to wear some makeup at least. I know we're going to a masquerade, but you never know what will happen, and I just want to look nice underneath anyways. I put on some foundation, concealer, mascara, and lastly, a bit of eyeliner. I wasn't a huge fan of makeup. It took too much time and effort. Finally being down with makeup, I started to dry my hair. Drying my hair and brushing it, I decided I wanted to curl it for the party. After curling it and spraying hair spray in it to keep it in place for hours, I went to go draw and relax for the next hour before it was time to get dressed for the party. The hour passed by quickly as I got lost doing my best trying to draw the Joker. It actually turned out really good. Getting up, I went to my closet. I decided to wear this short purple fitten dress that showed my curves, but was still somewhat frilly at the end. [Image above] Putting on some black boots to go with it and a necklace, I was finally done with the look. Finally, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find the Joker there wearing his mask. I invited him in. As soon as he walked in I locked the door. I knew he wasn't wearing his makeup underneath. Taking off his mask I saw his face, and oh my god! He was handsome. He wore an all black suit. His hair was slicked back and gelled just like it was at the bank robbery. "Wow. You clean up nice J." Jack didn't know what to do. He's never been in a situation like this really. "you too." You smiled at him. "You ready?" you asked him. "Yeah. Here." The Joker gave you your masquerade mask. You both put it on and walked to the car. You arrived at the party/ club and saw the flashing lights. Stepping out of the car, the Joker offered you his arm, and you took it. The music got louder and louder as you walked to the party. Lets be real, its more of a club then it is a party. Walking in you stated who you were to the guard and walked in. The Joker went to the bar quick and bought you and him a drink, then you both walked towards a group of men. Three men were standing in a circle talking. Even though everyone wore masks, we knew who each other was. Only people who weren't criminals couldn't recognize us. The Joker exused himself and walked over to the group of men. Now the group of men consisted of the Joker, The Riddler, Penguin, and Scarecrow. You walked over the bar to get another drink and noticed the red head wearing a green fitted dress next to you. "Long time no see." You started. She didn't even have to look to know who you were. "What's up Jinnx?" "Not much. You Ivy?" "Oh you know, the usual." "So I heard you escaped Arkham, what are you doing now?" "Well, when the Joker escaped I took that as my chance to escape too. Now I'm just laying low for a little while before I go back to criminal life. I see you got what you were looking for." Poison Ivy said. She knew you got a job at Arkham to get the Joker. You would talk to her when she was stuck there too and tried to find ways to get her out. You and Poison Ivy were best friends. You hung out all of the time during your villain years. "Well, I did. Not how I wanted it to happen though. He escaped before I could get to him, though I got very lucky that he crashed a party I was at." Poison Ivy laughed. "What did you do?" "I stood up to him and threatened to pull a knife on him." Poison Ivy laughed a little harder. "Figures." You both laughed some more and drank a bit more. You were starting to get tipsy. You weren't going to get drunk, you still had full control over your actions, and emotions, but it did relax you and make you feel more confident. "So, how are you and scarecrow?" Poison Ivy just looked at you. "The usual." She chuckled. "You and the Joker? You a thing?" You looked down at your drink. "It's complicated." You and Poison Ivy looked back at the group and looked at your men. They didn't notice due to being in a conversation. Suddenly a certain song started to play, they announced it before they started playing. "Hey. It's our song. Just like old times?" Poison Ivy asked. "Just like old times." you agreed. 'Ahh. You're a monster!' the song started. You and Poison went to the dance floor in the middle where the group of men could see you two. You both started dancing dirty. Grinding on each other and having fun just like you used to. You guys were best friends. You did this all the time and had so much fun. You guys would do this and then eventually break off to go find some man to get with. The group of men then noticed you two on the floor. The scarecrow had his eyes on Poison Ivy, and the Joker had his eyes on you. The chorus started and that's when you guys went a little crazy. Dancing while looking at the Joker over Poison Ivy's shoulder, and her looking at the Scarecrow over your shoulder. 'Monster. You get in my way I'ma feed you to the monster. I'm normal during the day, but at night turn to a monster. When the moon shines like iceroad truckers. I look like a villain out of those block busters. Godziller, fire spitter, monster. Blood on the dancefloor, and Louis V carpet. Fire, Godzilla, Fire, monster. Blodd on the dancefloor, Louis V carpet' after that chorus ended, Poison Ivy broke off and brought her man to the floor and started dancing with him. You let the alcohol help guide your emotions. You started walking over the the Joker and grabbed his hand and led him to the dancefloor. You started dancing with him. He didn't do much. He was too focused on you. The chorus came on again and you started to grind against the Joker. Turning back around to face him, you heard a low growl coming from him. "You. Don't want to play this game Doll." You kept dancing and smirked. You put your arms around his neck and came close to his ear. You whispered, "Maybe, this is a game I want to play and win." You heard the Joker growl again and his hands grabbed your hips harsly. He leaned in and whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine. "You won't win this game Doll." You continued to dance, but whispred in his ear again, "We'll just have to see. Won't we?" You leaned back, and the Joker was still. He looked at you for a bit, until he harshly grabbed your wrist and started dragging you out of the club. Looking back, you noticed the Poison Ivy give you a thumbs up until the Scarecrow started dragging her off too. Getting in the car you and the Joker went back to the warehouse. He grabbed your wrist harshly again and started dragging you upstairs to his room. He pulled you into the room and slammed you against the door shutting it and locking it. He pulled your mask off, then pulled his mask off. His hands were on either side of your head and he had his knee trapped inbetween your legs. You saw his eyes for the first time since the party. They were dark, and filled with lust. It sent shivers down your spine. "You sure this is something you want to do Doll?  I may not be able to control myself." He leaned down and asked. His voice was so sexy. You were sure that if you didn't take a second to control yourself, that you might have stuttered. You smirked and leaned closer to his face. Your lips inches apart. "Show me chaos." He growled again. Man was that sexy. He grabbed your face and kissed you roughly. His lips were soft but firm. They tasted of smoke and honey. He continues to kiss you deeply. He reached round and grabbed your ass harshly causing you to gasp. He took this as a chance to explore your wet cavern. Slowly he started leading you towards the bed. Clothes were coming off. "Doll, if you don't stop me now, I won't be able to hold back." You looked up at him and smiled. "J. Don't hold back. You are the agent of Chaos after all." He growled again and started kissing you passionately again. You can only imagine the fun they had that night. 

The link to the song: 

(Heath Ledger) Joker x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ