Chapter 8: Gamble Gets What He Deserves

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"Hey. Doll. Get your ass out of bed." "Mmm, just five more minutes please." The Joker ripped your blankets off of your body. The cold air hitting your exposed legs. You fell asleep in only a long t-shirt and underwear. The cold air made your nipples hard and show through the fabric. The small breeze sent a chill up your spine making you wake instantly. "Alright! Jeez! I'm up!" The Joker couldn't help but think how incredibly cute and sexy you were when you just wake up. Plus your attire doesn't help the situation either. "Get dressed, we are training together again, and then we are going to discuss plans for later." Stretching your arms above your head and cracking your spine, you reply with "Alright J. Just give me a minute." With that, the Joker walked out your door and shut it. You quickly got out of your bed. Going through your dresser you put on a sports bra, some underwear, black sport shorts, and an army green tank top. Making sure to put on deoderant, you grab your weapons bag and head towards the training room. Once in the training room you see the Joker there wearing his makeup of course, but instead of his suit he is wearing sweats and muscle tee. You couldn't help but stare at his muscles for this is the most undressed you have seen him. "Like what you see Doll?" The Joker taunts. You blush for being caught, but play it off. "Maybe. Maybe one day I will get to see more." You teased him. The Joker just smirked and slightly cackled. He loved playing these games with you. It was so much fun. "Stretch first and then we may be able to have some fun." The Joker teased back. You just  snorted loudly and began you daily stretching and warm ups. Once you were both done, The Joker randomly came at you with his knives. You did not have any weapons of your own to attack with, so your only way of dealing with this right now was defense. Quickly moving out of the way, you dodged his attack. He brought one of the knifes down trying to stab you in the head, but you blocked his arm with a high block and wrapped your own arm around his arm and held onto yours. You stepped in between his legs and squeezed your arms tight so he was unable to move the knife again. With a quick push forward and a sweep of the leg, the Joker was on the ground. You quickly stripped the knife from his strong hands and held it to his throat. "Hahaha. Not bad. Your defense is pretty good, but what about offense?" He was taunting you. You were really good at defense. You knew offense when it came to it, but that didn't mean you liked to do it. Both of you standing up once again you charged at the Joker. You stabbed, you sliced, you changed the position of the blade, everything, but to no avail the Joker was just as good! The Joker took you down in one swift move and got his blade back. You quickly hooked your legs over him to get on top of him and bring him down. Once he was down you both jumped up again right way. This time he was attacking you again since you had no weapon. You dodged and dodged and kept moving backwards until you were close to the wall. The Joker was closing in on you. He had the advantage, or did he? You quickly grabbed you bow staff that was leaning against the wall and blocked all of his attacks. Twirling and spinning your bow staff, you knocked one of the knives out of his hands and kept blocking his oncoming attacks. "This is different, but... I love it." The Joker states. Quickly you hit him in the back of the knee and he falls to the ground. You twirl your bow staff and come close to hitting him directly in the face, but stop before you cause damage. The Joker just chuckles and smiles. You can tell he is having fun. You both are enjoying yourselves very much. You and the Joker decided it was time for a water break. "So, what is that weapon?" "That, is a Bow Staff. It is a martial arts weapon and is used for combat fighting. It is meant for close combat, but has the advantage of keeping your opponent at somewhat of a distance. It isn't that hard to use. If you want I could show you how to use it if you want. I know you like your knives and explosives, but I think all kinds of weapons are fun and efficient to use." "Hmm, you're right. Very interesting indeed." "Here come here. I will show you." The Joker and you stand up and head to the middle of the training room. "Normally you would want a bow staff this is a little taller than you, but seeing as this is the only one I have and you are a freaking giant, you will have to deal with it." The Joker just cackles at your statement. "Now grab it towards the center with both hands. One hand facing up, and one hand facing down with a little bit of space in between." The Joker does as told. "Now to do the figure eight. You tilt one side down, continue spinning it in that direction and then quickly change directions and do the same thing." The Joker listened to your directions carefully and started doing it. A small genuine smile formed on his face and you were ecstatic! "This really is fun!" "That's perfect. Now learning some strikes. You can come straight down, down on a slight angle, Jab it, come straight up, come up on a slight angle, and go straight across. One of the things you may like is known as the baseball bat swing. You hold it at the very end and swing it like a baseball bat. That is used to knock somebody off of their feet." The Joker did every strike there was including the baseball and was smiling and laughing to himself. "I never thought a simple stick like this could be this much fun and effective." You just smirked. You were having the most genuine fun you have had in a long time. "As much fun as this is, we have work to do." You agreed and you both headed upstairs to get dressed and discuss what was happening. "So I decided it is time to pay Gamble a visit." You were listening very intently. "I'm going to grab three goons and they are going to bring me into Gamble dead to retrieve their money. I will put my makeup on paler than usual and lay in a garbage bag. I need you to drive us there and I know you want to be there." "Okay. Let's go." With that, the plan is set and you are on the way to Gamble's. The Joker was in the trunk to make it seem more realistic. You purposely turned the corners very hard made sure to hit every bump in the road. "(Y/N)! I swear to god you will get payback for this!" You heard him shout from the trunk. You just laughed very loudly and heard him growl in reply. When you arrived they goons took the Joker out of the trunk and towards Gamble's place. "Boss, these guys said they killed the Joker." "Bring them in." The goons walked in with the bag and placed him on the pool table. Gamble ripped the garbage bag off of the Joker's face to reveal a dead Joker." "Alright, that's 500 grand..." but before he could finish his sentence, the Joker sat up stabbing the two men standing next to him with knives and killing them and then he grabbed Gamble by the face holding a knife in his mouth.  "How about alive?" The goons held the rest of Gamble's men hostage. You walked in and walked next to the Joker. Seeing Gamble's face filled with fear really made you excited. The Joker spoke, "Wanna how I got these scars? My father was a drinker, and a fiend. One night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it, he turns to me and he says, Why So Serious? He comes to me with the knife and says, Why So Serious? He sticks the blade in my mouth, Let's put a smile on that face. Annnnd... Why so serious?" The Joker takes the knife and slices Gamble's mouth and kills him. You were satisfied and walked back towards the car waiting for the Joker to return. The Joker gets out of the garbage bag and turns to the three of Gamble's men. "Now, our operation is small, but there is a lot of potential for aggressive expansion. So which of you fine gentlemen would like to joining our team? Oh, there's only one spot open so we're going to have tryouts." The Joker breaks a pool stick and half and drops the pointiest one in front of the men. The Joker walks out to the car to find you while the men battle it out and kill each other to be one of the goons. The Joker approaches you and pins you to the car. You just stare at him with a slight smirk to your face. "You made that ride here hell. You really don't want to be playing this game with me." he states. You just chuckle and lean up to his ear. "Well, maybe I do." you whisper. The Joker pushes you up against the car further and sticks his knee in between your legs. He growls slightly, but before anything else can happen, the goons walk back out with the new member and you all leave to go back to the Wearhouse. You all get to the wearhouse. "Follow me." The Joker says to you. You follow the Joker and leads you upstairs to the room at the end of the hall. He opens the door and lets you walk in first and then he closes it. This was the first time you had seen his room. It was not what you expected. The room was a creamy white, with black curtains, and a king sized bed. The bed had black sheets and pillowcases, but the comforter was grey. He had a large bathroom connected to his room that had a walk in shower and a tub in the middle of the bathroom. He had a few paintings hung up on the wall, and a nightstand next to his bed. His dresser was across the bedroom next to the entrance of the bathroom. "What? What's wrong with my room" "Nothing at all. I just thought it would be more green and purple." He just laughs. You like his room. It was comforting. "When we are alone together and not out of the wearhouse you can call my Jack, but otherwise it must be Joker." "Understood. Can I ask you a question?" The Joker started to tense up a bit. "Depends." You just look at him. Not an ounce of fear, sadness, or anger. "What's your last name?" "Napier." You just smile. "It suits you." The Joker smiles slightly. "I wanted to tell you that I want you to meet me in the basement later tonight. I have some work to do, but I want you to be there. Maybe you could join in on some of the fun too." You gave him a lopsided smirk. "Of course J." The Joker smirked at you and snarled a little bit. He liked that nickname, but only from you. You walk out the door and start heading to your room to take a small break before you continue to the basement. He just stared as you walked out. He couldn't help but think that you were very intriguing. Even though he would never admit it, he enjoyed your company a lot. He enjoyed having a partner similar to him. He wondered what else this friendship could lead to. The Joker is experiencing emotions and feelings he has never felt before, but instead of pushing them back and trying to be emotionless like he as been his whole life, he decided it was time to change a bit for the time being play with those feeling a bit. if it got out of hand, he would end it immediately and revert back to usual. He is not changing himself, no. He is just experimenting and having fun along the way. 

(Heath Ledger) Joker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now