Authors Note Before The Story Begins

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Hello, just a quick little author's note before the story begins. I usually do not do author's notes as I like more of the content of the books, I will post author's notes if I absolutely feel the need to. I just wanted to let everyone know that there is some things I have to warn about this book. This book will have touchy subjects for some individuals, so please read at your own risk. There is quite a bit of swearing involved. This book will follow the storyline of The Dark Knight, but there will be scene changes and additions. For example, the very first chapter is a scene in the movie, but I am using that before the "movie" actually begins in this book, I have a different idea for that particular scene, later on, to replace it with. So, enough of the author's note. I hope you enjoy. Thank you!  Also.... I DO NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS OR THE MOVIE. Credit goes to Christopher Nolan and everyone else who made the movie and were apart of it. 

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