Heartbreak Weather? Can't Forget Heartbreak Illness Part 2 ~all (family)

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I was just falling asleep as I had gotten tired very suddenly, when uncle Ethan walked in with the thermometer, sick bucket, flu meds, fever reducers and stomach relaxers. "hey bud, don't go to sleep just yet, you need to take the meds and I need your temperature then you can sleep ok?" he said. I sighed knowing I couldn't get out of this and I knew that if I wanted to sleep I needed to let him get me better." f-fine but can I have a thin blanket. 'm cold" "ok. But only a thin one or you will overheat and need to go to hospital ok?" I nodded and took the meds while he placed the thermometer in my ear. "39.3 so it isn't dangerously high yet. Here's the blanket you asked for get some sleep ok?" he said as he walked out. I laid down and immediately fell asleep.


I was sat on my bed with Harry asleep next to me and I really had to itch my arms and face so badly but I knew I couldn't otherwise Simon would have to find out. But then I suddenly got the urge to throw up. I bolted out of my room to the bathroom just in time to throw up into the toilet and I guessed Ethan heard all the commotion because he was sat next to me rubbing my back. "aww mate it sucks having a stomach bug and chicken pox. Do you need anything?" he asked as I finished throwing up. "medicine and to stop scratching." "sorry mate but the only thing I can give you is aloe Vera gel. And you sound congested. You might have what Josh has as well as chicken pox. Oh well we will have to keep an extra eye on you" he replied. I sighed and nodded but tried to get up, only to fall to the floor again. Immediately Ethan went to pick me up and I kicked a fuss. "look Jide, I might be your brother in law but I am allowed to help you." I was too tired and dizzy to fight back so I allowed him to do what he needed to do. However, I fell asleep in his arms. I woke up to Ethan gently shaking me 2 hours later. "JJ how are you feeling? I spent the last 2 hours looking after the twins and Harry with Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry. Tobi, Josh and Bog are asleep right now but Vik is asking for you." "I am extremely itchy and I have a headache and my stomach is queasy but I want Simon. And I'm freezing. Can I have my blanket please?" I begged "if your fever has gone down which I can feel it hasn't then you can have it back but if not you can't and here are some stomach relaxers, paracetamol, aloe Vera gel and fever reducer. And we can't let Simon get sick too can we" Niall spoke as he came in with the 4 items. I thanked him, taking the meds and rubbing aloe Vera gel on my spots, the itch quickly going away. "I want Simon. Please! I need him. He's the only one who can calm me down if I am scared and worried. Please I need Simon. And thanks Nialler I knew you were my best friend for a reason" I spoke causing everyone in the room to laugh. Yes I said everyone. Louis, Liam and Harry had joined us in the room. Louis then came over to check my temperature while saying. I was scared because I knew very soon something bad was going to happen. "JJ there's no need to be scared OK? And you have a fever of 41.5 so we need to get you a cold bath ok?" he said but before I could answer I passed out.


"shit guys call an ambulance. He's just passed out" Louis shouted. I was scared. No I was more than scared. I was petrified. My best friend is ill and has passed out. I was diagnosed with epilepsy and asthma 2 years ago when I was 19, when I had my first asthma attack and seizure, and the seizure occurred because of my asthma attack. As you can tell the two should never mix. And they can occur separately. But... Today was one of those double days. I froze on the spot and began to breath heavily which caught the attention of Liam and Harry who ran over to me seeing my state. I knew my seizure was due any minute and so did the others so they laid me on the floor and placed a pillow under my head and a blanket over my waist because I usually had an accident during a seizure. Then it happened. I began seizing. When I have a seizure caused by an asthma attack, I have to go to hospital. And I can also hear during these sessions. So I wasn't surprised to hear someone say "make that 2 ambulances Ethan"


While i was on the phone to the ambulance I heard a lot of commotion behind me and alot of talking but 1 sentence in particular stood out. "make that 2 ambulances Ethan" I turned around to see what was going on to find Niall having a seizure. I spoke to the person on the other end of the line and said "sorry can I make that 2 ambulances please. My friend is having a seizure which was caused by an asthma attack" "of course. They will be there in 2 minutes can you wait outside so we know we have the right house please." "OK thank you bye" I said and hung up. I ran down to wait outside for the paramedics who arrived in no time. They followed me into the room and 2 went to JJ while the other 2 went to Niall who was now unconscious but dying due to his asthma. They were both in the ambulances, me going with JJ and Liam going with Niall, Louis and Harry staying with the kids. I sent a text to Zayn to help look after the kids and he took his girlfriend Talia with him so they had two extra pairs of hands for the kids who were going to be chaos from what I learnt so far. JJ had just woken up now while we were in the ambulance and he immediately began panicking because he couldn't look after the kids. When we got to the hospital some tests were run and as well as having chicken pox and the stomach flu, he also had pneumonia. It was no wonder he was so miserable. As for Niall, he was in a deep sleep for 3 days because of how severe this seizure and asthma attack was.

Im not going to do a part three to this chapter and I know its awful but I haven't been motivated as much lately. Sorry its awful, ps if you have any requests let me know.

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