Vik sick

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Sidemen are a band in this one


I really didnt wanna go to these interviews today. the last load of interviews I spent getting picked on for being "too overprotective of Tobi" and that he is "old enough to take care of himself". I was feeling very sick also which didnt really help my current state. none of the others knew I was feeling ill last night and I didn't want them fussing over me. then I felt the vomit making its way up my oesophagus. I swallowed it down not wanting to be sick as I have a fear of vomiting. I knew that it was coming so I had to shout to someone. the only person who is awake at this time would be JJ "Jide!!! JIDE!! CAN YOU BRING ME A BUCKET PLEASE??? QUICK!!!" and then Tobi came in with a bucket and threw it at me and said "JJ's asleep Vik. wha..." but before he could finish I threw up. "oh Vikky, why didn't you say you were sick. I didn't know" "no. nor did I." I chuckled once I was sure I was done. "do you want me to get JJ? cuz... you know... he is better at helping." "no thanks. I just need anyone who will cuddle with me. can you help me to the living room?" "ok star. and when you said 'anyone who hugs' you meant me as you know I am the only one who hugs when people are sick" "you know me to well Tobi"


I woke up after hearing Vik shout for JJ. I asked asking what the shouting was for when I saw Tobi leaving Vik's room with an arm around him while the vomit bucket was in his other hand. "hey Tob' you clean the bucket and I will take Vik to the sofa. then get the others up and ring paul" "got it Josh" then I said "actually knowing you, you will shout at them and we dont want that. I will call them." 


"hi Jide get up. Tobi is ringing Paul for me. Vik was shouting for you earlier. JJ wake up I know you are falling asleep."

"go away Josh!!! I'm sleeping. why was Vik calling me. wake me up in ten"

Josh had to think how to wake JJ up. ah. he thought

"oh by the way Vik's sick"

"WHAT?!!! IS HE OK?? I will be right there. I will get the others up up"

"thanks Jide"

then he hung up.

"Tobi what did Paul say? and have you got the bucket for Vik. I think hes gunna go again" "coming now. paul said he will cancel all interviews until Vik is better." then Vik spoke. "tell paul to uncancel them. im ok n..." he said then gagged. "Tobi, bucket now!!!" and I received the bucket just in time for Vik to throw up. "doesn't look like it to me mate. do you want a Tobi hug to make you better?" Tobi said. I just chuckled. they did make everyone better but he only offers Vik and makes everyone else ask. but I suppose its because he has a crush on Vi... crap i wasnt supposed to tell anyone that. you wont tell anyone will you? good i can trust the readers.


I couldn't turn down a Tobi hug for two reasons. I have a crush on him for 1 and 2? they always relieve my pain. and I know Tobi has a crush on me too. from the way he takes care of me more wether I am sick or not more than when the others are or not. and I can read Josh's mind cuz its some weird thing between us. "yes please Tubby" then I  fell asleep in his embrace. I woke up in my room with Tobi next to me I was sick around 4 times while I was asleep and I knew I was about to again. shit wheres my bucket. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I knew if I did there was a risk of me fainting and I didn't want that. then I found my bucket, and it happened. Tobi heard me throw up and said "oh Vikky why didnt you say something before you threw up?" "I...I dont" I sobbed into his shoulder. "Tobi? do you have a crush on me?" I asked. " thats ridicu...yes I  do." he stuttered and blushed "good. I like you too." "be mine?" "of course Tobi." "are you better now?" "yes babe thanks for being here." then we walked hand in hand to the living room and just before we opened the door Tobi started kissing me passionately. not too rough but it was long and we didnt mean to get caught but harry opened the door and said "someone's feeling better" leaving the others confused. then harry barged past us smiling. we hadnt stopped kissing so we were surprised when the others mad "awing" sounds and some started making vomiting noises and smiling. little did I know that Tobi would get sick and I  would have to take care of him too. "I love you baby " I whispered into his neck "I love you too star" he replied with the most innocent smile

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