Chapter 10 ✨

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"HOLY SHIT!" Hoseok jolted awake at the sudden scream, Yoongi was still sleeping soundly curled up against Hoseok's chest.

"What the-"

"YOU TWO FUCKED!?" Hoseok groaned and rolled over to see who the fuck was screaming. He saw Jimin in the doorway, the other 4 boys huddled behind him.

"What are you guys doing?" Hoseok looked over to see a sleepy Yoongi sitting up. Hoseok cooed at his messy bed head and smiled softly. Yoongi looked like a tired, angry kitten, and it was fucking adorable.

"Well, we came to find yall for breakfast, but we didn't expect to see you two in the same bed covered in hickies," Seokjin explained. Yoongi blushed but chose to ignore it and roll his eyes.

"Yeah, we fucked, so what? I'm going back to sleep," Yoongi sleepily pouted and laid his head on Hoseok's chest.

"That's a slightly new side of Hyung," Jungkook mumbled, chuckling under his breath.

"Um... ok... well, come down whenever he wakes up I guess," Jimin waved at Hoseok and shut the door. Hoseok rolled over, Yoongi whining when his head fell onto the bed.

"Seeoookkkkk!" The older whined, glaring at his soulmate.

"Yooooonnn!" Hoseok mocked back, moving to hover over the small, purple-haired male.

"I was comfortable! Such a brat," Yoongi huffed and glared at Hoseok again, unaware of the adorable pout forming on his lips. Hoseok laughed and pecked the older's lips.

"You're such a baby~ My baby~" Hoseok sang happily and kissed Yoongi again. Yoongi smiled softly and put his hands on Hoseok's chest in an attempt to push him away.

"Stop! Seok, stop it!" Yoongi giggled as Hoseok peppered his face with kisses. Hoseok laughs and gets off Yoongi, throwing the covers off himself and getting out of bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" Yoongi sits up, once again glaring at Hoseok.

"I'm getting food. I'm hungry, plus no one can resist Jin-Hyung's cooking," Hoseok smiled, grabbing a yellow t-shirt and sliding it on. Yoongi sighed and got out of bed too, soon standing in front of Hoseok.

"I hope you know you aren't leaving this room until you put pants on," Hoseok said, looking down at the pouty Yoongi.

"But the shirt covers everything, I'm fine," Yoongi retaliated. He swore he heard Hoseok growl before being dragged over the dresser in the room. Hoseok held Yoongi's wrist as he dug through the clothes and pulled out a pair of white shorts.

"Put those on then we can eat," Hoseok said, Yoongi nodding and putting the shorts on. He would be lying if he said he didn't like the protective side of Hoseok.

The two soulmates soon found themselves in the kitchen, Hoseok carrying Yoongi there since he was complaining about his lower body hurting. Hoseok was already stuffing his mouth with food while Yoongi giggled at how his cheeks puffed out like a squirrel.

"I'm surprised Yoongi-Hyung is down here right now. Normally when we say we have food ready he ignores us and goes back to sleep," Jimi said with a slight laugh. Yoongi ignored the mochi and ate his breakfast, continuing to laugh at Hoseok when he made a stupid face or his cheeks puffed up.

"Hyungie! Hyungie! Wanna go shopping with me, Jiminie, and Jinnie-hyung?" Taehyung skipped into the kitchen and stood behind Yoongi's chair. Yoongi swallowed the bit of food in his mouth before leaning his head back to look at Taehyung.

"Sure, TaeTae," He smiled when Taehyung squealed and ran to tell his brother and boyfriend. Yoongi sat up straight and continued eating until he felt a gaze on him. He looked up to see Hoseok staring at him.


"Nothing... You're just pretty," Yoongi blushed at the words that left Hoseok's mouth, a quiet whine leaving his lips as he got up and washed his dishes. He jumped when he felt a pair of arms around his waist.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi looked back to see Hoseok smiling softly at him.

"Back hugging you, what does it look like?" Yoongi rolled his eyes and shook his head, finishing with his dishes and attempting to go back upstairs. He failed, Hoseok picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder.

"Hey!" Yoongi hit Hoseok's back, though it didn't hurt. "Put me down! Seok!"

"Nuh-uh~" The raven-haired male laughed, spinning in circles until Yoongi was too dizzy to hit anymore.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna puke," Yoongi said, weakly slapping the back of Hoseok's head. The younger shook his head and set Yoongi down, the older male taking two steps back before falling onto the couch.

"You're such a bitch," Yoongi whined, sitting up.

"Yeah, but I'm your bitch~" Hoseok smiled.

"I guess you are," Yoongi smiled softly.

About an hour later, Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Seokjin were shopping in a huge mall. The other three boys stayed at Jimin's place to clean up since the house was a wreck after the party.

Taehyung dragged in hyungs to practically every clothing store in the building, as mentioned before, the kid loved fashion. He continued to shop through almost every shop in the mall until Seokjin said they needed lunch, so they made their way to the food court.

"So, Hyung," Jimin began after all 4 of them sat down with their food. "Are you and Hoseok-hyung dating or...?"

Yoongi froze for a moment, kinda surprised by the question. He didn't know how to answer that question. Well, of course, he could say no, but he thought about what Hoseok had confessed the night before and he thought about his feelings towards his soulmate. Plus, they act like a couple.

"Um... No. We haven't talked about being in an actual relationship," Yoongi sipped his drink, eying the table. Of course, he wanted to be in a relationship with Hoseok, he just had no clue how to bring it up.

"Ah, I see. Well, maybe you should soon. You two seem very close now, plus, soulmates~" Jimin smiled, Seokjin nodding along, agreeing with the younger boy. Taehyung wasn't paying much mind to what they were talking about.

He was going through all the clothes he bought and was thinking about asking Jimin to go to a few more stores so he could buy a skirt or two. Taehyung occasionally cross-dressed and when he did, his boyfriends went crazy, so he knew it wasn't gonna be hard convincing Jimin to go to one more store.

Yoongi sighed. "I know... but I'm not the person to just... bring that up in a conversation. Plus, I want him to ask me so I can tease him and make him wait."

"That will fail because you know you want him too, Yoongs," Seokjin smirked when Yoongi scowled.

"Ok well... ughhhh I don't know anymore!" Yoongi sighed again and laid his head on the table.

"Jiminie!" Taehyung looked up from his bags and stared at his boyfriend with big puppy eyes. Jimin knew what was coming, but asked anyway.

"Yes, Bear?" Taehyung giggled at the pet name and smiled innocently at his soulmate.

"Can we go to Hot Topic?" Jimin knew what that meant.

"Oh lord..."

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