Chapter 4 ✨

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"You!" Hoseok and Yoongi shouted at the same time.

"You guys already met?" Namjoon asked, everyone able to feel the tension.

"Sorta. I tried being friendly but this bitch cut me off with "Fuck off" when I did NOTHING!" Hoseok seethed, glaring at Yoongi, the shorter male returning his gaze.

"He's not much of a... new friend type person, Seok," Namjoon said.

"Wait, isn't that what your wrist says?" Seokjin added, remembering what Hoseok had told them when he and Namjoon went to see him.

"Yeah! So I'm assuming he's my soulmate..." Hoseok grumbled, looking back down at his lunch.

"You are my soulmate, dumbass," Yoongi rolled his eyes and sat down beside Taehyung.

"Yoongi! Be nice for once! And aren't you happy? You've been waiting to find your soulmate for years and you finally did," Seokjin asked.

Yoongi shrugged. In all honesty, he was happy. Yoongi had been waiting years as Seokjin said, but he didn't expect to meet them as he did.

He felt bad for the way he talked to Hoseok when he didn't even know him. But because Yoongi had such a big ego, he would never admit to being sorry or feeling bad.

"Well... I guess you two should have a proper introduction. This is my friend, Jung Hoseok, the one I talked about the other day, and this is Min Yoongi," Namjoon tried to ease some of the tension, but wasn't successful.

"Hoseokie-Hyung! What's your favorite color?" Taehyung asked randomly while stuffing a fry in his mouth. Hoseok smiled at him and shook his head.

"I like green. What about you?"

"I like green too! And purple!" Hoseok could tell Taehyung had a lot of energy, not that he minded, he did too.

"What are your hobbies?" Jungkook questioned next.

"I love to dance, and I like to rap too. That's why it took me forever to decide if I wanted to take dance or music, but I ended up taking dance," Hoseok smiled as he spoke.

"I dance too! I have it last period," Jimin smiled.

"Me too! I'm glad I'll have someone I know in my class."

They talked for the rest of lunch before going off to their next classes. For Hoseok, he had history. He really liked history. If he wasn't passionate about performing, he would love to teach history. Though, his happiness dwindled when he saw a certain purple-haired boy in the bad of the class.

"Great," Hoseok mumbled under his breath and walked to an open seat. It wasn't right next to Yoongi, but it was close. Hoseok ignored it and tried to focus on the lesson.

Hoseok wasn't one to hold a grudge, but what Yoongi did really pissed him off. To be honest, Hoseok forgave Yoongi about the whole thing, even if he didn't apologize. If that hadn't happened, he would never have found his soulmate. He smiled a little to himself as he thought.

'At least he's cute' Hoseok chuckled.

Throughout the lesson, Hoseok could feel a pair of eyes on him. He tried to ignore the feeling, but couldn't help but turn around to see who was looking at him.

As soon as he turned back he made eye contact with Yoongi for a split second before Yoongi turned away and stared blankly at the board. When the lesson ended Yoongi bolted out of the room. Hoseok didn't question it and just went to his next class.

Hoseok was finally in his dance class. He was excited for this class the most out of all of them. He changed and went into the studio, Jimin running up to him with a smile.

"Hi, Hyung!"

"Hey, Jimin," Hoseok smiled.

"Alright, class! Start stretching. I'll teach you the choreography in a moment, Mr.Jung," The dance teacher said as Hoseok nodded. He and Jimin began stretching, Hoseok deciding to start a conversation with Jimin.

"Hey, Jimin, what can you tell me about Yoongi-hyung?" The raven-haired male asked the short pink-haired boy.

"Yoongi-hyung? Hm... well, he's pretty cold around everyone, well not Taehyung. Taehyung's like his little brother, so he gets very soft around him. The rest of us... he smiles more around us, but that's it. Tae's special," Jimin smiled thinking about his precious boyfriend.

"Yoongi-hyung has also been waiting to find his soulmate for as long as I've known him. All our friends have found theirs and we are all younger than him, except Jin-hyung. I'm a little surprised he didn't talk to you at lunch, even if you guys met like... that. I'd expect him to be excited about meeting his soulmate," Jimin went on as they stretched.

"Don't tell him I said this, any of this, but I don't really care about the whole "fuck off" thing anymore. At least I finally found my soulmate... plus he's pretty cute," Hoseok laughed and shook his head when Jimin started fanboying.

"Aish, chill, Chim. It's not like I'm gonna date him anytime soon." Jimin got quiet and pouted at that. "Why not?"

"Because, even if he is my soulmate, I don't wanna date someone I literally just met. And I like for there to be something to build a relationship off of, we have nothing but words on our wrists. If we were to get to know each other over time, I'd consider dating him, I mean it's not like I can avoid it, he's my soulmate so... we'd eventually end up together. I also have no clue how he feels about any of this, so anything I'm saying doesn't completely matter since he has his own opinions," Hoseok said. "Plus, as I said, he's cute." Jimin laughed.

"And you're hot. Uh- don't tell Jungkook I said that he'd punish me... I don't need that right now, but yeah, I agree with you. It took me, Kook, and Tae awhile to actually start dating. We've only been dating for 5 months, it will be 6 in two weeks, the 14th. Fun fact, that's the day after my birthday. I'll be 18~ (Let's just say he is 17 turning 18 for the sake of the story, thx)" Jimin smiled thinking about the next few weeks.

"Ah, good to know. Wait, only 5 months? You guys act like it's been long," Hoseok chuckled.

"Well, yeah. It feels longer too. Oh! You are coming to my party next Friday, so don't make any plans," Jimin nodded, acting like he was very VERY serious. Hoseok laughed and nodded.

"I will clear my schedule," He smiled. "Hey, Jimin. We just met today and you're already inviting me to your party? I'm not complaining, just curious as to why."

"You're chill. I don't know, I get a good vibe from you, and you're Namjoon-hyung's childhood best friend. Plus, we're friends now and you can't change my mind," Jimin spoke again, trying to act serious but ended up just looking and sounding cute.

"Wasn't planning on it. It's nice having friends on my first day," Hoseok looked at Jimin and smiled.

"Alright! Let's dance!"

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