The Surprise Visit

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Rainey nearly jumped in Jake's arms, she was so happy he was okay. Olivia pushed past them, 'where is my daughter, I want to see her now!' Hannah heard her mother's voice and ran into the living room. She hadn't realized how badly she needed to see her parents until now. As her and her parents embraced they cried. Jake felt a bit jealous that he didn't seem to have parents that cared that much. Sure his mom seemed happy to see him but his dad simply shook his hand and walked further into their apartment. Just as Jake figured would happen, his dad immediately started criticizing everything about their place. It seemed that nothing he could ever do would be good enough to please his father.

'I need some air,' Jake said as he rushed out the door. Hannah started to go after him but was stopped by her dad. 'Let him go, he needs to cool off,' William said. Everyone sat down and Rainey and Olivia started asking Hannah questions almost faster then she could answer them. 'Why did you guys leave? What were you thinking? Where are you working now and how are you affording this apartment? When are you coming home?' and the big question that Hannah dreaded most, 'What the hell were you thinking getting pregnant?' Hannah was so overwhelmed she just started crying, leaving her mom and Rainey feeling bad. Neither one of their dads said anything and that was strange to Hannah. Her dad always had something to say. She assumed it was because he was so disappointed but she was scared to ask.

Before Jake knew it he was in a neighborhood he didn't recognize. How far had he walked? All he could think about was getting away from his parents. Just the sight of his father made his blood boil. Jake didn't know why but he suddenly had a strong urge to talk to Damian. He dialed his number and Damian immediately answered, 'what's wrong?, he asked, 'where are you, I'll come get you.' 'That's a good question,' Jake said, 'I have no idea.' Damian told him to turn around and head back towards the direction he came and he would find him. That made Jake let out a chuckle which made him feel strange. Why did he feel a sudden excitement knowing that Damian was on his way?

It wasn't long before Damian pulled up in front of Jake and told him to get in. 'Where do you want to go? We can go anywhere you want,' Damian said. Jake had no idea where he wanted to go but he wanted to be with Hannah. If that meant having to see his parents though, he would gladly go anywhere else. 'Just drive,' Jake said. Damian handed him a drink and said, 'here, this will make you feel better. Don't think about it just drink it.' Jake assumed that it was alcohol by the way Damian acted but quickly changed his mind.

As the liquid touched Jake's tongue he felt a surge of energy rush through his body. A sort of ecstacy that made him feel as if he would float away if he wasn't strapped in Damian's car. 'There you go,' Damian said. Then he slammed on the gas making the tires screech. They sped down the streets drifting around every curve. Jake never felt so alive and any thought of his parents left his mind. All he wanted to do now was be in the moment and he never wanted that moment to end.

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