Chapter 19

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Aleksey and Sergey went back home after a couple of days. Maxim insisted on staying until after the wedding. He wanted to make sure that Anabella would recover completely, and he did not want to risk any more surprises. Maxim knew that eventually he had to go back home for a couple of weeks to finish an important commission he undertaken, before moving permanently to America. Although deadlines were looming, he tried not to think about it. Right now, he would not leave Anabella. Before departure, Aleksey made Maxim promise that he would stay with Anabella's parents until the wedding and not in Anabella's cottage. Begrudgingly, Maxim complied with his request. So, he spent many afternoons listening to the stories of Anabella's grandparents, great uncles and aunts. Maxim tried to explain to Anabella that he had to endure it because he felt compelled to make up for the bad impression, he made on them at the beginning of their relationship. Anabella just laughed because she knew how much the old fogies loved to talk and often repeated the same things over and over again. "If you fall in their trap as a listener, you are doomed for hours," she told Maxim.

While Anabella was busy with the women, planning the quickly upcoming wedding, Maxim searched for a suitable space to set up his workshop. He was not satisfied with the various locations he had seen. It was hard to find a replacement for his current cozy workspace in a beautiful inspiring setting.

"So how is the search for a new workshop going?" Anabella's father asked Maxim during one of their dinners at the house.

"Slowly." Maxim replied dissatisfied. "It is harder than I thought to find the right studio. The majority of the commercial places are either too big or further than I would like to. Sometimes ideas come to me unexpectedly and I spend hours in a workshop. I would not like Anabella to be alone for that long without me within an easy reach. I also need more secure place because some of the pieces are one of a kind, not replaceable. I'm sure with time I will find something." He added tasting Anabella's father excellent scotch.

"I was actually thinking about something." Anabella's dad pondered looking at Maxim with half closed eyes and swirling his liquor in the glass. "We have a spacious double car garage on the side of the property. We don't really use it because it's too far from the house. It used to be a carriage house, then my grandfather turned into a garage. Maybe Anabella can show it to you tomorrow and you can decide if that place would work as a workshop. Right now, there is plenty of junk there, but we would clean it all up."

"Ughm, I will look at it, sure, but I would hate to take up your space. I'm sure I can find a workspace somewhere." Maxim replied politely without commitment, thinking about all the interruption resulting from having workshop so close to many curious people.

"Nonsense young man." Great Uncle Constantine added. "Nobody has used that place in years; we don't even know what's inside. I think it's a great idea and you will be close to home."

"More like we'll be checking up on you often." Anabella whispered in Maxim's ear confirming his suspicions.

"Sure, I'll see if it's suitable," Maxim ended. "If it proves to be the right place, I insist on paying rent."

"We'll talk about the details later." Anabella's father waved him away and continued eating.

Therefore, under a lot of friendly pressure from the family members, Maxim was soon coaxed into cleaning the garage and adjoining shed for his workshop. The space was big and had electricity. Maxim mentioned about adding running water later, but otherwise he was satisfied with the arrangements for now. Anabella was happy to have him within a walking distance; her only worry was the intrusion of her family during his working hours. She was sure they would soon create a well beaten path to the garage.

Except choosing her wedding dress Anabella was pushed away from all of the wedding preparations while her mom and aunts had the joy of their lives. Anabella did not actually care much; she only wanted to be finally married, whatever way it would happen. In the meantime, Anabella returned to work. She hated living Maxim to his own devices, but life had to go on. After a while Maxim was also introduced to Anabella's closest friends. She knew that the presentation was successful because the next day at work they were showering Anabella with compliments and questions. Laurie waved her hand like after touching something hot. "Damn girl!" she laughed. "He's hot. His T-shirt was ripping underneath those muscles." Maria giggled and Anabella shook her head laughing hard but did not deny the obvious.

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