Chapter 12

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Anabella's symptoms did not ease up. The following morning after the bathroom visit Anabella took the medicine and began feeling better. She was getting ready for work when her phone rang. Anabella wanted to ignore it, already running late, but after seeing Dr. Horowitz name on the screen, she picked up the phone, "Hello."

"Good morning. Am I speaking with Anabella Novak?" the doctor asked formally.

"You know very well doctor that it's me," Anabella laughed and hurried around the kitchen packing up her lunch.

"I know, it's just a formality. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Ehh," Anabella murmured, "Not really better, but I took the medicine in order to go to work."

"So..." the doctor began in an odd voice, "I got your test results." He paused.

"Yees?" Anabella got anxious, she stopped what she was doing and waited.

"Good news, it's nothing serious, no infectious disease as your mother was hinting, not a food poisoning either and overall, you are very healthy."

"My mother called you?" Anabella asked exasperated.

"You knew she would, as she always did since you turn eighteen," Dr, Horowitz laughed, "Don't worry she didn't get any information from me."

"So, what is wrong with me then?" Anabella asked relieved and went back to stuffing her lunchbox.

"'s really good news. The only thing that the blood test confirmed and what I suspected during the examination is... that you are pregnant," the doctor finished happily.

"Pregnant?!" Anabella yelled into the phone and run an agitated hand through her hair. "Pregnant," She laughed hysterically. "Doctor, that's impossible. You must be mistaken, that's crazy. I don't believe it. You're playing with me, are you?" Anabella waited for his assent.

"Well Anabella, I will not be getting into details, but if you had an intercourse recently it is possible you might get pregnant. You're a young and healthy woman..."

"Doctor, doctor, doctor," Anabella cut him off and began pacing around the living room. She was getting more frustrated by the minute. "Listen to me. I am not a child. I know how the babies are made. Also, I know how to prevent that. And I happen to be very vigilant about it. I always protected myself. Always. Having a child out of wedlock was the last thing I wanted. You know our family. I like to do it the traditional way, even if it sounds old fashioned."

Dr. Horowitz was an old experienced doctor and he heard similar denials many times in his professional life. Anabella was not any different from other women caught like deer in the headlights. He patiently let her release the steam then said gently, "Anabella, I really don't know what to tell you. I don't know what went wrong, but it happens. If you want, you can get a second opinion. Go to the pharmacy, buy a pregnancy test to check it the easy way, or go to another doctor, but the blood results don't lie."

"Doctor, I know how to use condoms," Anabella wailed, and her body shook nervously, "I always insisted on them. Doctor maybe there is another explanation. If what you say it's true when would that happen?" She tried to challenge him to prove him wrong, since her love life was in a pitiful state recently. Anabella grabbed the last straw to make him reconsider his diagnosis. She sat down on the sofa, leaned back and covered her eyes with the free hand.

"Based on the HCG levels you are about 4 to 6 weeks pregnant, but of course you have to come back for more detailed examination to be sure."

Anabella's mind ran back in time, David? Could it be that something went wrong with him? I vaguely remember him putting on protection. No, I'm sure he did.

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