Chapter 6

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The weeks were passing by. Neither Anabella nor especially Kevin expected to have so much fun without television and internet. They never knew physical work could be so pleasant if it was done in a beautiful place. They helped Wolodia in harvesting fruits and vegetables; he let them operate various farm equipment. Kevin was in boy's heaven. Maxim did not spend a lot of time with them, which suited Anabella. She was weary to always watch out what comes out her mouth and possibly making him angry. Anabella felt sorry for him, she imagined how lonely he must be. During their stay, she did not see anybody visiting him, especially females. Maxim also did not leave anywhere for longer than a couple of hours. She thought few times about inviting him to her and Kevin's picnics by the river, but every time the time came, she lost her confidence and was too subconscious to ask. This mutual avoidance did make her feel uncomfortable. She did not trust anybody with advice, so their contacts were still limited to the evening family dinners. On one of those evenings, Anabella found herself sitting right next to him due to being the last one at the table. It was an extraordinary experience for her. It was the first time she could not focus on the delicious food in front of her. Anabella could feel the heat radiating from him. It made her breathing irregular and the muscles tensed. The subtle mixture of wood and cologne wafted to her nostrils. Occasional glances at his rock-solid arms sent lightnings through her flesh. Anabella made a mental check not to be late for dinner ever again. She had no idea what a havoc she wreaked in Maxim's body.

Over the weeks Anabella spent many hours reading under her favorite willow tree by the river. She deserved a lot of time thinking about the future. The memory of Christopher's refusal faded away slowly but surely. Anabella admitted at last that it worked out for the best. She had to trust the fate. Anabella knew that she was not the right fit for a posh ladder climbing. Now she would have to decide if committing to David was what she wanted. Something drew her back to him. She loved the safety and stability that he brought with him. Anabella could always depend on David. He reminded her in many ways of her sister Jessica. The nearer the end of the summer, the more she was convinced that it was the correct choice. There was only that tiniest disappointment, always simmering under her skin when she recalled their last night before departure to Siberia. Despite that it felt so good, he failed to take her to the moon and back. She remembered how Christopher's reserve made her crave for him. It gnawed on her heart. One thing for certain, Anabella promised herself that whomever she chooses for a partner it will be on her terms. No more accommodating men, she repeated to herself multiple times. She knew what she wanted and decided to stick to it. Anabella was proud of herself that she spent the time productively and made a thorough audit of her past and made suitable plans. Day by day she felt better, and the failed relationship became just a blur.

For Maxim, those weeks were pure torture. Day after day he wanted to walk up to her and just say everything he felt inside, then he just sneered at himself and with renewed energy kept on working. The physical work only somewhat helped him not to think of Anabella. The sound of her name shot ecstasy through his loins, so he was not using it. She was not for him; Maxim was told himself. No matter how much he wanted her, he had to let her be. He was stuck here with his father and a girl like that would never move to Siberia, was his conclusion. First time in years he cursed the family obligations. Some days, after a few beers his he actually hoped that if she fell in love with him, she would stay. As soon as the alcohol evaporated, he knew the idea was ludicrous. Maxim loved the evening dinners. Those were the only occasions he could soak in her radiating beauty without talking to her and making it worse. Whenever she did not look, he devoured her with his eyes. Maxim loved the sound of her voice and the giggles that escaped her throat. He cursed the ease of his conversations with Jessica and Kevin, but every time Anabella directed her emerald eyes at him, he felt that with each word his feelings are being exposed. Therefore, he kept the conversations with her to minimum.

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