Chapter 4

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On the day of their departure the whole family came to say goodbye at the airport. It  looked like they were celebrity with a big group of fans surrounding them. Other travelers were glancing curiously in their direction. With the last of well wishes from their parents, and tons of warnings from uncles and aunts, the girls and Kevin went through the security. All three of them were too excited, for different reasons, to be overly upset over the tears shed by the family over their prolong absence. This close-knit family did not like parting.

They were flying over the Pacific now. The flight to Portland was uneventful, no delays, smooth security clearance. Good start to a vacation. Now they were flying on a Russian airplane, although Anabella swore to herself that she would never fly on Russian airplanes. She repeatedly said that she did not trust their mechanics. Although it was more of her great uncles' theory than her own since she never had a chance to travel on a Russian airline or be anywhere close to them. Anabella was soaked through with statements like, "Too much vodka makes thing appear better than they are.", "If you watch the news, there are only couple countries where planes are always falling down from the sky and Russia is one of them." Her mind was in a whirlwind. I don't want to die! I am too young to die! In a need of some diversion from her thoughts Anabella looked around at the passengers, but they did not seem to be an interesting sort. Her discouraging thoughts came back with vengeance. This is not the best time in my life. It cannot be, by any chance. Look at me. A beautiful, young girl is going on vacation to Siberia instead of Miami, Hawaii or some other trendy place. Maybe I should have gone to Europe, somewhere on the Riviera. I would hang out at the waterfront cafes until I meet a prince charming or other celebrity and live happily ever after. I wonder if they still have those cafes where young rich people mingle. Damn those old movies! I should stop watching them, they disfigure my reality. I don't know where the royalty hangs out nowadays. I will buy People magazine when I get off this damn plane. It should give me some clues where to go husband hunting. 28 years old. I guess it is time to seriously think about getting married.

"What are smiling about?" Kevin looked at Anabella.

"Nothing, nothing. Just had a funny thought," Anabella turned to her nephew sitting next to the window.

"What was it?" he persisted like every kid.

"Well... umgh... What is old for you and your friends now?"

"What do you mean?" Kevin looked confused, "Like a thing or a person?"

"A person," Anabella smiled.

"I think Mom is old," Kevin answered wrinkling his forehead just like his mom.

"Your Mom old?" Anabella laughed, "Good God, Kevin, I thought you would mention your grandparents at least not to mention your great grandparents. What about me?"

"Well... you're kind of... older... but you're very pretty!" he quickly added to be diplomatic if he knew the meaning of that.

"Shut up!" Anabella chuckled and tussled his hair. Kevin giggled at his performance and went back to his tablet catching the last moments of civilization. Anabella returned to her unproductive inner thoughts. There is the truth. I am kind of old. And alone. Thank God people don't call us spinsters anymore. Terrible name. But I am not really alone, David is waiting for me. Anabella smiled to herself. It's all good, just taking a little break. I wasted five years with Christopher. Why on Earth haven't I listened to my friends and family and moved to New York with him. I left my beautiful cottage, my wonderful life! How stupid and naïve I was! It still makes me angry thinking how foolishly I fell for him. I sacrificed everything for him because he asked me too. He really had a way with me. I can't believe I was in love with that cold fish. I seriously must consider David's offer and have a relationship with a mature, stable man. Although he is not as good looking as Christopher. Wait a minute! Is Jessica's theory proving to be right? Was it a fact that Christopher was so unapproachable that drew me to him? Do I prefer man that actually don't want me? But that doesn't make any sense!... Anabella dozed off after the mental monologue because it took her a while to realized that somebody was shaking her arm.

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