Chapter 18

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"Drive faster!" Maxim nagged his brother impatiently.

"I can't bro. I already drive too fast. Do you want us both to go back to jail?" Sergey replied annoyed because Maxim was twisting and turning in his seat since they left the precinct and started driving south to Crescent Cove.

"Why did you rent a car like that?" Maxim still grumbled.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry that they didn't have Ferraris on demand when I came last minute," Sergey retorted.

"I'm sorry Serg. I didn't mean it." Maxim looked at his brother.

"I know man. I know. Try to relax. Everything is fine now. We'll be there in no time. Dad is there."

"Did he call you again?" Maxim asked eagerly.

"No since you talked to him." Sergey shook his head and kept looking at the road. "I'm just so happy they will take her out of sedation finally."

"Thank God." Maxim covered his face with his hands breathing out all the tension of the previous days. "I would never forgive myself. Never."

"What's done, it's done. Let's stay positive and think about the future. I have to start thinking about the green card for Elena. I am getting tired of living in that cold. It's January here and it's in the forties. I think I can get used to that again." Sergey laughed.

"What about Dad? We can't both leave him," Maxim reminded him.

"Don't worry about the old man. He'll be perfectly fine, especially with Svetlana. Knowing him, he will be in the States before we know it. He is already mad about the baby."

"You think so?" Maxim was skeptical. "He loves his home."

Sergey wrinkled his forehead. "I don't know bro. Coming home brought back good memories about mom, made him feel good. But now he's got Svetlana. It will be different." Then he looked at Maxim grinning, "I heard from dad that her family is huge, and everyone is a curious case."

"Ough," Maxim deflated. "I forgot about all of them. I hope they will not try to kill me before we manage to get married."

Sergey laughed and added, "Dad said that they are only crazy on the outside, but they are a very loving and good people. Actually, only Jessica knows that you were in jail for the past couple of days."

"Shut up!" Maxim finally smiled.

They drove for a few more hours before stopping the car at the hospital parking lot. Maxim jumped out of the car the moment Sergey put the vehicle in park. "Damn, Maxim; wait for me," Sergey ran after him talking, "Maybe you should buy some shaving supplies in the store and go to the bathroom first. You do not look very fresh and smell even less pleasantly."

"I don't care!" Maxim threw behind his shoulder. "I want to see her right away."

"Idiot," Sergey caught up with him by the elevator. "She's in the room 35. Third floor Intensive Care, dad said."

They reached the correct floor and started looking for the room. When they found it, there were a lot of voices coming from within. Maxim took a deep breath and opened the door. At first nobody noticed him, and his eyes were scanning the room in search of Anabella. He finally noticed her and one look in her eyes let him now that she saw him too. Her skinny sallow face lit up with a weak smile. At that moment, the room went completely quiet and everybody turned to look in the direction Anabella's eyes flew. In one giant step Maxim was at her side and buried his face right next to her head, his shoulder shook from silent sobbing. Anabella's mother began ushering everybody outside.

"They need a little time alone," she whispered to Aunt Lucille who was adamant to leave her niece with a rugged looking man. Anabella's mom gave her a friendly push towards the door. "We shall be right back. We all need some coffee anyway."

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