Chapter 2

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As it always happens in life, Maria did not have a chance to host the barbeque at the date she promised. It was not until the first week of June that she finally invited everybody to meet at her house on Saturday afternoon. Those weeks passed for Anabella uneventfully. She tried to research as much as she could about the culture and weather of Siberia as the trip was fast approaching. All the articles she encountered agreed that Siberia was undeniably beautiful, but as far as the modern entertainment, her heart sunk lower and lower the more she researched. Anabella was tried to convince herself that she never did something like that, and it would never happen again, so the unique experience should be appreciated. Nevertheless, she felt torn about her decision to accompany her sister and the upcoming gathering with friends was much appreciated diversion in Anabella's opinion. In addition, she would be able to say farewell to everyone, since she would not meet her friend until after the summer.

On the appointed Saturday afternoon Anabella fretted while getting ready for the barbeque. For some reason it took her the longest time to pick something to wear, she spent an hour doing the makeup to look her best and yet very natural. Anabella felt antsy and excited. At some point, she heard a knock on the open patio window and heard her mom call. "Honey, are you here? I'm coming in!"

"I'm in the bedroom Mom! You can come in!" Anabella shouted back without stopping to look herself over in the long mirror. Before she saw her mother, Brutus came in following Anabella's voice. Anabella smiled wide. "Hello beautiful!" she ruffled the fur on his back. Then her mom walked in. She gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Wow, you look so fancy. Are you going to the restaurant? Is it a date?" mom smiled expectantly. She waited long enough to see her daughter happy again.

Anabella look herself over in a long mirror for a hundred time before replying, she was crestfallen. "You think it's fancy? I'm just going to a barbeque at Maria's, but I have no idea how to dress."

"To a BBQ?" Anabella's mom raised her eyebrows, "Way too fancy and it's so warm today. I think you should change. Usually you wear jeans and t-shirt for events like that, what made you decide to dress so elegant today?"

"Honestly," Anabella sighed running her hands down her skirt smoothing invisible wrinkles, "I don't know Mom; I feel so anxious for some reason. I feel that I really want to look good, but why? It's only us, the same crew as usual. I think I need a drink now, not later." She wrinkled her forehead and opened the closet again, "So, what do you think? I don't feel like wearing jeans though."

Anabella's mom looked at her curiously but didn't ask further questions. She knew her daughter, something was up otherwise she would not have thought twice what to wear. Instead mother ran her hand through the hanging clothes and stopped her fingers on a brown dress with little flowers on it, "That would fit the occasion. Summery, informal. You can wear your leather sandals with it or even cowboy boots and a jean jacket if it gets cooler at night." She pulled out the dress and spread it in front of Anabella.

"Humph," Anabella looked doubtfully, "I haven't worn this dress for years. I hope I can still fit in it. Let me try."

She took off the skirt and the silk blouse she had on, then slipped into the cotton dress. Mom helped her zip it up. It felt a little snug around her breasts. "I think I gained a cup since high school," Anabella laughed, "But it will do, what do you think?"

"I think it's perfect for the BBQ. You look so fresh and girly in it. It shows nicely your long legs. Just put some of the bronzing lotion on because you are too pale. You've been spending too much time indoors," mom looked her over with a judging eye.

Anabella turned to a mirror and smiled. She liked what she saw. She felt much better. "Thanks Mom, you saved me as usual!"

"Nothing to thank for, my dear. I want you to have a good time," mom replied and walked to the kitchen. "Do you have something to take with you because your Aunt Catherine just brought a big bowl of her potato salad, although I told her not to do it. I am so tired of it, that's the only thing she knows how to do well and makes it all the time. Everybody is just too nice to tell her that, so we are all subject to the potato salad nearly every week."

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