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"Sayang. Sayang. Singa." Ucapku sambil menggoyangkan badan Singa. "Hoaaammm..... . Yes Bru? What's wrong sweetie?" Tanyanya. "The twins want laksa. Can you make it for me?" Ucapku. Mendengar ucapanku, Singa pun melihat jam. Sudah jam enam ternyata. "Alright sweetie, i'll make it for you, you Stay here okay? I'll pick you up when it's ready." Ucapnya. "Thank you dear." Ucapku. "Anything for you my love." Jawabnya sambil mencium dahiku.

Singa pun turun ke dapur untuk memasak. Setelah Singa pergi, aku pun berjalan ke rak buku dan mengambil sebuah buku yang belum sempat aku selesaikan.

"Bru, we should have a baby, so that i had a reason to come home early." Ucap Lestine. "A baby? Wait.......what?" Ucap abangku sambil memperoses ucapan istrinya itu. "Eh? Kalian lagi ngomongin apa sih?" Ucapku. "Eh itu ummm anu." Ucap lestine. "Kalian mau punya anak?" Tanyaku. "Iye, Abang juga nak punya anak macam kau tu." Jawab abangku. "Oh gitu Ok deh." Jawabku. Aku pun kembali kekamar.

Tak lama kemudian, Singa pun datang membawa laksa, dan menaruhnya di meja makan di kamar kami. "Here you go sweetie." Ucap Singa. "Thank you so much sweetie." Ucapku sambil mencium pipinya. Ia pun tersenyum. "Anything for you dear. Come on let's eat." Ucapnya.

Kami pun memakan laksa buatan Singa. "How did it taste dear?" Tanya Singa. "It tasted amazing sweetie. You cooked so well." Jawabku. "Thanks sweetie." Jawab Singa.

(Setelah makan)

"Sayang?" Ucapku. "Yes dear?" Jawab Singa. "Don't you have a meeting in 20 minutes?" Tanyaku. Mendengar pertanyaanku, Singa pun melihat jam. "Wait, your right! Thanks for reminding me sweetie." Ucapnya sambil mencium dahiku. "Your welcome sweetie, now go take a shower, i'll prepare your clothes Ok?" Ucapku. "Ok, Thank you my love." Ucapnya. Aku pun mengangguk. Singa pun langsung mandi sedangkan aku menyiapkan pakaiannya.

(Setelah mandi)

"Here's your clothes sweetie." Ucapku sambil memberinya satu set jas. "Thanks darling." Jawabnya. Singa pun langsung memakai jas itu. "Here, i also Made a cup of coffee for you. Do your best on your meeting ok?" Ucapku sambil memberinya kopi dan mencium pipinya. "Ok. Thanks dear. I love you." Ucapnya sambil menciumku. Singa pun pergi ke ruang kerjannya.

"Guess i'll take are of the twins then." Ucapku. Aku pun berjalan menuju tempat tidur bayi yang ada di samping tempat tidurku. Kedua bayi kembarku sedang tertidur. Aku pun mengelus muka mereka perlahan. Aku pun mengambil salah satu dari mereka dan menaruhnya di pelukanku. "Sayang." Ucapku. Aku pun menggendongnya sambil berkeliling kamar.

"Mama?" Tanya Singabru. "Yes sweetie?" Jawabku. "Can i help take care of the twins?" Tanyanya. "Sure but, don't you have an online class?" Tanyaku. "Yeah but i'm one break." Jawabnya. "Oh Ok then." Ucapku. Ia pun langsung mengangkat Brunga secara perlahan.

"They're so cute ma." Ucap Singabru. "Yeah. But they're also fragile so you better be careful." Jawabku. "How did it feel giving birth to them ma?" Tanyanya. "It's really painful. But that pain disappear once i hold you guys on my arms. You know? Even your dad cried when all the twelve of you were born. And he would always thanked me after i gave birth." Jawabku. "Really? Dad cried? I never seen dad cried before." Ucap Singabru. "That's because he is a really strong man." Jawabku.

"I'm going to change their diapers. Can you take the diapers for me sweetie?" Tanyaku. "Of course ma." Singabru pun pergi mengambil popok. "Here you go ma." Ucapnya. "Thanks sweetie." Jawabku. Aku pun mengganti popok Brunga.

"My online class is starting mom. See you later." Ucapnya. "Ok sweetie." Jawabku. Singabru pun meninggalkan kamar ku. "Are you Hungry sweetie? Let me breastfeed you." Ucapku. Aku pun duduk di tempat tidur dan mulai menyusui Brunga.

"Sweetie, I finished my meet..." ucap Singa yang terpotong. "That's great dear how did the meeting goes?" Tanyaku. "Umm... eh? Oh it work really well. Sorry about that. I'm just stunned with your beauty." Jawabnya. Singa pun duduk di belakangku. "Awww sayang, stop joking. I can't be "that" beautiful." Jawabku. "Bru, you know i never Lie right? Of course your beautiful. Stop saying your not ok?" Ucapnya sambil mengelus perutku. "Ok ok." Jawabku.

"Yes?" Jawabku. "Have you ever wondered how something so small like our baby could be so painful to get out. Even though i don't feel it myself, i know of how much pain your in." Ucap Singa. "Sayang, i already told you, once i hold our baby in my hands, all of those pains just goes away. How to say it? It's worth it. I already knew the consequences. So it's fine to me." Jawabku sambil mengelus pipi Singa. "I love you so much Bru. You're such a strong woman. You went through all this pain for our children. Thank you so much sweetie." Ucapnya sambil memelukku erat. "Your welcome dear." Jawabku.

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