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Hari ini aku dan Singa sama sama libur. Tentu saja karena hari ini adalah hari minggu. Makanya kami bisa bersantai di pagi hari. Aku dan Singa sedang duduk di sofa ruang tamu. Aku menjahit sedangkan Singa sedang menonton sebuah film dokumenter sambil mengelus perutku.

"Sayang can you get my sewing thread?" Ucapku kepada Singa. "Here you go sweetie. Be careful while sewing Ok?" Ucap Singa sambil memberikan benang jahitku. "Thank you honey, i will." Ucapku sambil memberinya sebuah ciuman.

Aku pun kembali menjahit. "Darling, do you think i will give birth anytime soon?" Tanyaku kepada Singa. " Well, you are pregnant with twins, and usually twins are born prematurely. So i think you will gave birth pretty soon." Jawab Singa.

Mendengar jawaban Singa, aku pun memeluknya erat. "What's wrong sweetie?" Ucap Singa. "Nothing, it's just that i'm kinda scared. What if i can't do it? What if i'm to weak?" Ucapku.

"Bru, sweetie, don't think like that. Of course you can do it. You are a strong woman dear. That's why i choosed you as my wife who would take care of my childrens for nine months in their womb then take care of them till the end of their life. Believe me sweetie, you can do it. I swear that i will always be there for you. I will never leave you No matter what. Everything i do is for you. Because you are the reason i'm breathing. I WILL die without you. Remember that, Ok sweetie?" Jelas Singa panjang lebar.

Aku yang mendengar penjelasan Singa pun tertawa kecil dan langsung menjawab. "Ok sweetie, i will. You know you don't need to gave me a so frickin long explanation darling." "Eh? I didn't know that it was that long." Ucap Singa tersadar. "But you won't replace me with Hong Kong right?" Tanyaku kepada Singa. "Astagfirullah Bru, i would never sweetie. I swear." Ucapnya. "Ok then, i believed you." Ucapku sambil tertawa. Singa pun ikut tertawa

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