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The Forest was a Wonderland.

The sound of chirping birds and the scuttling paws of forest critters were music to a forest cat's ears. It has been a while since there were signs of prey to be alive and active in a season. Leafbare has passed so slow and painful for them so they tried to catch everything they can to bring back their strength.

A sandy brown tom has been in the forest since the sun had rose. Time had passed and the sun was already high up in the sky, meaning that he had been here for a really long time.

His green eyes glanced from side to side, looking for anything that would be his next target. He had been unsucessful catching squirrels that ran so fast or the occasional rabbit that had hid in a burrow that had a tunnel so dark, he gave up on that one because he had scented fox in that hole.

His ears moved at different angles, hoping to hear any sign of life. A rustling of leaves and the flapping of wings can be heard to the left.


He crouched as low as he can, making sure his tail did not touch the grass to make noise.

Silently, he crept towards where the noise came from. His pelt hid so well with the brambles that he did no need to crouch lower to hide on the shadow..ish side.

The thrush seems to be pecking something on the edge of the sort of cliff. The apprentice has passed this area most of the time and knew that the bottom of this mini cliff is a thick layer of grassy ground that sloped downwards since it leads to sunningrocks from the East side.

He bunched his muscles in as he started waggling his haunches.


He leaped out of his hiding spot, startling the thrush. It left behind whatever it had been pecking on as it rapidly flapped its wings, hoping to reach a branch to safety.

But before it can reach one of the branches his jaws snapped shut on the bird's wings, dragging it down with him.

That high leap brought him over the edge of the mini cliff, he landed on all four paws on the soft damp grass, still having the struggling piece of prey dangling from his mouth.

The apprentice let it drop, knowing that it can't fly anymore. The thrush seemed to know it too so it tried to run off, startling the tom. He quickly pinned it to the ground and nipped at its neck, instantly killing the animal.

A figure of a large cat appeared from behind him, a purr rumbling in his throat.

"Well done Thrushpaw," one of his mentors, Stonepelt congratulated him on his catch.

Thrushpaw smiled, happy that he had pleased his mentor "How did I do?"

"Well besides that juicy thrush, you caught a vole, two mice, and one of the squirrels you chased died because of the injuries you gave it so that's counted I guess.."

Even though Pinestar insisted that he be made a warrior a few moons ago after the badger attack, the sandy brown apprentice said that he wasn't ready to be a warrior and wanted more moons of training and to do an assesment (which surprised a lot of cats.) Stonepelt was very pleased that despite him being given a warrior name because of fighting a badger, he still wanted to do an assesment. During that time he was also a newly made apprentice so it made sense too that he didn't want  to be a warrior just beause of a battle he won. Tawnypaw didn't want to be alone during a ceremony so he also said what Thrushpaw wanted.

A fiery ginger tom appeared out from the undergrowth and nodded "I can say you did well, let's go back to camp."

Sunfall was Thrushpaw's official mentor but Pinestar also assigned Stonepelt to help the warrior in his training. Because of his fast learning and great status, Sunfall was made deputy at such a young age.

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