Chapter 16

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Grace POV

I woke up and saw Y/N still asleep on me.

'Is this how he feels every morning? I like this.'

I saw Lucas and Ela were gone so I carefully got out of Y/N's grasp and jumped on him.

Y/N: Really? I was having a good dream.

Grace: About what?

Y/N: Us.

Grace: I'm sorry for waking you up, but you can live that dream in real life.

Y/N: Did Lucas and Ela reveal themselves?

Grace: No. Ela stayed on Lucas's lap for like an hour though.

Y/N: I'll go defend my Sergeant if Zofia wants to get mad.

It's like the Gods were listening because there was screaming come from next door. Y/N got up and I followed him. He opened the door and I heard what Zofia was saying.

Zofia: And you sat on his lap?

Ela: Yes.

Zofia: You're too immature for your own good.

Y/N: Zofia. Stop. Leave Ela alone. Now.

Zofia: She's too immature for her own good. She sat on Lucas's lap.

Y/N: I know she did. It was a dare.

Zofia: Grace, how long did she sit on Lucas?

Grace: Not very long.

Ela: Just long enough to validate the dare as complete.

Zofia: How long was that?

Ela: Only a few seconds.

Y/N: Zofia, let Ela live her own life. She's not a child and you're not her mother.

After a nice argument, Zofia stormed off in defeat.

Ela: Thanks.

Y/N: No problem.

Ela: And thank you Grace. For lying about how long it was.

Grace: Yeah, it was a lot longer than a few seconds.

Ela: It was an hour.

Grace: At least an hour.

Lucas: Definitely longer.

Ela: Definitely.

Grace: We've gotta go. See you.

Y/N: See you.

We walked off and I pulled Y/N by his hand to our dorm.

Grace: Do you remember what I said?

Y/N looked at me probably trying to remember and then smiled.

Lucas POV

Ela: She's so over protective.

Lucas: I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

Ela: I'm just happy you don't care about her.

Lucas: I don't care what others think.

Ela: I just wish I could live my life.

I connected to the Marine frequency and heard chatter.

Recker: Dunn, APC on the left!

Dunn: APC down!

Irish: Recker, watch out!

Recker: Fuck, I'm hit. Bravo 9-2, this is Marine 1-7. Storm gave me this frequency, requesting artillery on our positions.

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