Chapter 3

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Six: You're all being sent to Iraq for a hostage situation. Storm, you're team leader because of your experience with the area. Read the file carefully.

Storm: Yes, sir!

I left to my dorm and read over the file; it was a simple hospital attacked by Taliban fighters with the aid of White Masks. They were holding at least 50 hostages.

Grace: How serious is it?

Storm: 50 plus hostages. Taliban fighters aided by White Masks. I'll elaborate more on the helicopter.

Timeskip 10 minutes.

The intercom buzzed.

Six: Operation MHR is a go. Your helicopter is waiting on the roof.

We boarded our helicopter and before we took off I asked a question to everyone.

Storm: You all got masks and eye protection?

Everyone nodded and I signaled Jager to take off.

Storm: Alright everyone. 50 plus hostages being held in a hospital by Taliban fighters aided by White Masks. Be extremely cautious, these Taliban fighters use more explosives and crude tactics than the White Masks. They are extremely unpredictable so stay on high alert and check every corner.

Grace: This isn't going to be fun.

Storm: Not at all. Anyone here been to the middle east?

Ela: I have. You're correct about the Taliban.

Storm: We will use stealth in there unless it's absolutely necessary to go loud. Everyone understand?

Jackal: Yup.

Lucas:  Yes.

Grace: Got it.

Ela nodded.

Storm: Get some sleep everyone, it's a long flight.

My phone started ringing and I answered the Face Time call from my family.

Storm: I don't have a long time to talk.

Dad: Got it.

Faith: I have something to tell all three of you.

Storm: I'm listening.

Faith: I was wrong when I said I was enlisting next month..... I'm enlisting tomorrow.

Storm: Faith, are you sure about this?

Faith: Yes I am. I've been training and getting ready for it for over a year.

Storm: I wish you luck.

Faith: I'm gonna need it. What's boot camp like?

Storm: It's hard. Don't disobey them no matter how much you want to.

Faith: Got it.

Storm: They break you mentally and physically. Don't let it get to you because that's when you'll fail. You'll sleep for four hours or less every night and be forced to stay up for long periods of time.

Faith: I believe in myself.

Lucas: You got this, Faith.

Faith: Thanks, Lucas. You two alone?

Grace: No. There's three more of us. 

Storm: I gotta go. Be careful, Faith. I'll call you individually when I get time.

Faith: I will be. I love you.

Storm: Love you too, bring a mask and eye protection. Sand hurts like a bitch and doesn't taste good.

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