Chapter 11

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An RPG impacted with the sand near us and turned the humvee on its side. Taliban fighters came out of the complex and started shooting, but the bullets were stopped by the bullet proof glass.

Storm: Overlord, send backup. Humvee in 90° in the sand. Over.

Overlord: Copy. Over.

Blackbeard: We're landing now. Over.

Overlord: I'm not gonna question how your plane is so fast. Alpha 1-1 went north down the road. They're in trouble. Over.

Ela: Copy. We're on the way, Alpha 1-1. Over.

Storm: Copy that.

I heard the Taliban start talking again.

Fighter 1: Uh guys, we might not want to do much to this Private. She has a L/N patch and an Alpha 1-1 patch. She's Storm's sister.

Storm: I will make sure you all burn.

Fighter 2: Don't fucking touch that Private.

Taliban Leader: Don't touch the Private.

Storm: Release her now.

Taliban Leader: I'm afraid that we are going to call the shots if you want your sister.

Storm: Considering your men are scared of me, I will say I'm calling the shots. Someone bring her to the front gate. If you touch her, I'll skin you alive.

Fighter: She's coming.

I saw Faith walk out of the building with a fighter pointing a rifle at her. She walked to the front gate and looked out at us. Faith blinked morse code to me.

Faith: They started torture. They aren't listening to you. They're making you think they aren't touching me.

I blinked back.

Storm: Four more operators and the unit are on the way. We're going to get you out of there.

Faith: There's a helicopter in the back that they're going to transport me in if  you attack the base.

Storm: We'll have Bravo 9-2 take it out with smaller shells.

Faith got pulled back inside by the fighter. I knew she could win in hand to hand combat, but she didn't fight because they would just shoot her.

Storm: Bravo 9-2, send one small artillery shell to the north side of the Taliban base. Over.

Bravo 9-2: You want us to take out the helicopter? Over.

Storm: Affirmative. Over.

Blackbeard: Alpha 1-1, we're behind you. Over.

Storm: Copy. Everyone out. Get to cover immediately. Over.

We all got out of our humvees and took cover behind them. I heard the whistling of something flying through the air and then an explosion. Smoke erupted from the north side of the base. I quickly peeked around the corner and shot two Taliban.

Storm: Bravo 9-2, send another one to the front gate.

Bravo 9-2: Copy, take cover.

We all ducked behind the humvees until the gate and all the guards near it were no more. We pushed forward and I shot two fighters who left the building. I heard Faith screaming from inside. I crossed through the gate and a White Mask grabbed my gun barrel. I hit him with my taser and continued on. A group of 4 fighters started shooting at me. I went prone and shot them all.

Dokkaebi: Bomber!

I turned and shot the bomber with my taser making him fall instantly. His suit flashed red and exploded.

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