Minecraft Life Season 3? Thoughts and Reviews

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Hey guys! So I was gonna post a one shot for LIFE today to celebrate the launch of Season 3 of LIFE, but as I was watching it, I had quite a few thoughts I want to share and see how others feel about it! Your one shot will have to wait for tomorrow. Sorry. Anyways! On to the thoughts, I'm splitting these up into two sections. Section 1 is "Thoughts on the Episode." Section 2 is "Thoughts on the Production." Please enjoy and let me know how you feel!

Section 1: Thoughts on the Episode

The Good

1. I can't wait! This is gonna be so cool! I've missed this show so much!

2. Aww! Ryan called Tori his girlfriend!

3. Double Aww! Tori just called Ryan her snack! Cute!

4. I like Tori's little brother, and I'm glad Tori didn't just show up with "Replacement Lexi". I had a huge panic when she said "There's someone I want to introduce you guys to."

5. Mat is struggling the worst with Lexi's death. Poor baby, but I called it.

6. PDA cop, ahh yes, we almost forgot that kissing is too explicit for this audience. We've never seen that befor- oh wait... Still, PDA Police is such a mood.

7. Amelia is a teacher! Who wants to call bets for who's gonna be mentoring Tori?

8. Aaron! I thought we were gonna miss out on your depressive emo boy self this episode!

9. Okay but like... Aaron saying "It's not that bad" while trying not to cry is a whole mood.

The Bad

1. I had the feeling Ryan would continue to be the most uplifting and not as outwardly affected by Lexi's death, but it seems like it barely even affects him at all. This leads me to believe one of two things: 1. Poor acting or 2. He hasn't reached acceptance yet and is still in bargaining or something. Not sure if this is bad or not, but I'm putting it here.

2. Hold up. I thought a big important world building point was how the runes needed to stay a secret. What made everyone change their minds? Why the heck is Ryan so accepting and chill about this?! 

3. Also, did they say these users make up 10% of the POPULATION?! Weren't there only 4 schools?! Are you telling me that 765 MILLION people at one point went to one of these four schools??? Excuse me, what?!

4. Last time I checked, mandatory tracking chips are kind of against the law. Did the parents sign a consent form? In that case, why are the kids only hearing about it the DAY before they are expected to get these chips implanted in them!

5. Okay, even if this IS legal, which I'm pretty sure it's not, what happens if someone hacks into the tracking system. Now they know where EVERY rune user is at ALL times? Sounds like a much higher threat than a few rune users possibly going missing due to non-rune users finding them...

7. Why is everyone so willing to have tracking devices implanted in them? Especially those with prior issues with authority figures betraying them, such as Ryan?

8. Oh yes, they can track one another on their PHONES. That's SO much harder to hack or gain access too. I don't see any problems with this AT ALL. (She says sarcastically.)

9. WHY THE HECK is Ryan so willing to give out his name to a random STRANGER after all he's been through?!

Section 2: Thoughts on Production

1. Ryan's character from Daycare really do be showing off here with all of Ryan's overacting. I'm glad Ash was able to maintain her character after all this time at least. I suppose she's been doing stuff for her own channel that is a lot more chill, so that makes sense. I hope Ryan tones it down a bit in future episodes. LIFE's viewership was already older, but it's been like three and a half years since season 1 came out. The majority of the people watching this are probably teenagers. 

2. I DO NOT  like the first person perspective. It obviously works for some shows like Daycare, but this is NOT one of them. This isn't the quality we got in seasons 1 and 2. Please take us back to the days when it looked like a TV show.

3. I also do not like the awkward silences between both lines and scenes. It feels chopped together like a poorly edited video. It also almost feels like you are stretching out the video on purpose to extend watch time. It doesn't sound good and it doesn't flow at all as a story or make sense. 

End of Review

So yeah! Those are my thoughts so far! Let me know if you agree or disagree with any of them, and let me know if you would like this sort of thing again in the future. I'm experimenting around as I already dedicate a lot of my time consuming content, so I'd like to know if you would like my thoughts on it! So yeah! Make sure to comment your opinions! See you tomorrow with a new one shot!

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