Incorrect LIFE Quotes (Part 2)

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I was planning on doing a full one shot today, but this week has been crazy busy, so that's going to have to wait a few days. By the way, what did you think of last chapter? I really liked doing it, but is that something you'd like to see again in the future? Let me know! Anyways, enjoy some more Incorrect Quotes! :D

Tori: I brought reinforcements.

Petra: You brought Ryan?

Tori: No, I brought the next best thing!

Petra: Lexi?

Mat: Normally I'd be offended, but that girl is crazy powerful.


Tori: Why do I have to do it?

Lexi: Because people like you! You say "please" and "thank you" and "excuse me." You look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning!


Mat: Did Lexi just tell me she loves me for the first time?

Tori: Yep, yep she did.

Mat: And did I do finger guns back?

Ryan, sighing: Yep, yep you did.


Lexi: One of these days I'm gonna roll my eyes too hard and go blind.


Tori: Since when is babysitting three idiots my jo-

Tori: Oh my gosh, that is exactly my job!


Lexi: So you're taking Tori on a date, huh?

Ryan: Yep!

Lexi, whispering: If you hurt her I will staple dead birds to your car.


Ryan: I will do a lot of things, but admitting I'm cold to Tori after she specifically told me to bring a jacket isn't one of them.


Aaron: I don't get it, how did you get Tori? I mean, I don't like her much, but she seems way too good for you.

Ryan: It's because of my sweet moves. Check this one out.

Ryan, approaching Tori from behind: I'm coming in for a hug!

Tori: I'm not in the mood to be touched right now.

Ryan: Not a problem.

Ryan, backing away: That move is called "Listening and Respecting."


Aaron: Why do people think I'm incapable of doing anything nice?

Ryan: Experience.


Ryan: Are you taken?

Tori: For granted? Yes.

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