Tyan With Hats Part 5

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Ryan was out for a stroll in the park when he ran into Tina. He was enjoying his life in his new home in Maine. He and Tina has moved there to get away from the chaos they had caused when she had blown up the greater Dallas area.

Tina has a guilty look on her face, and Ryan knew something was wrong.

"Tina... I know you've done something..."

"Whatever do you mean, my dear?" She responded as if she didn't ALWAYS do something to ruin the peace he was starting to feel in his new home.

"You've always done something. It's a lovely day out, we are have a good time... What have you done this time?" Ryan explained.

"You're mistaking me for a scoundrel, Ryan."

"Tina, I'm not kidding."

"I am a good member of society! To even think that I would do something to ruin our new home-"

"Alright," Ryan sighed, not wanting to hear the lies any longer. "So, Tina, what did you do today?"

"Hmmm, let me think." Tina paused. "Okay! I washed the car!"

"That's good."

"I made a donation to the local scouting groups!"

"That's also a good deed."

"I returned my overdue books to the library."

"What else?"

"Hmmm, I accidentally hit a raccoon with my newly washed car."

Ryan visibly winced.

"So I washed the car again."

"Okay? Go on..."

"And... I baked some banana bread for our lovely landlord, Miss Patrisa. She gets so lonely, so we also hung out and talked for awhile." She paused to think about it she had done anything else over the past few hours. "I'm pretty sure that's it. Done!"

"That's all?"

"That's all I've done today." Tina reassured him.

Suddenly a portal, similar to the portal from their youth at Daycare, opened up out of no where next to them.

"Ooooooohhhh..." Tina said, staring at the portal.

"Tina! What is that?!"

"So... I may have forgotten to mention one of my activities."


"I'm very sorry, that was wrong of me."


"Well, from here it looks like a fluffy blanket."

"Seriously, Tina, now is not the time, we only JUST lost the cops. I don't want to do it again."

"Perhaps it's a lens flair."

"Just tell me, Tina."

"Alright, alright, I may have BORROWED Unicorn's new portal technology from his research lab."

"In Arizona?"

"It was a long walk there, but a short walk back."

Suddenly a bunch of limbs started to fall through the portal.

"Through which to collect lots of human meat."

"Huh..." Ryan sighed, watching the human limbs pile up.

"What do you mean, "Huh..."?"

"I'm pretty sure I was expecting worse."

"Worse?! But this is totally messed up, Cutie."

"I know, but after last time with the nuke and the faces, it's just..."

"Come on, look at this! How did I even do this?"

"I don't really get how or WHY you do anything."

"Do you know what it feels like to be me right now? I worked hard on this, for no reaction? It hurts. Not as much as those people, but it hurts." Tina turned around to pout.

"Ummm, Tina..."

"What?" She asked, glancing back at him, hoping he caught on to her call for attention.

"Why... Are there only woman limbs?"

"Whelp, you know, eliminating the competition."


"And the competition is women."

Auditions went well, I'm pretty sure. Could be wrong. Here's your second chapter! :)

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