Chapter 1

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So during this book somethings are going to be the same as the anime but other things are going to be different. Ok than let's get onto the first chapter.

Gon P.O.V

I smile as I walk with Hisoka to the exam site. We are already in Zabon city and we were told were to go from a navigator because he didn't want to come with us since Hisoka is scary even though he's not. We got to the restaurant and Hisoka asked if the back room was open. He look's at us and asked what we were having and Hisoka said "The steak combo. The one that will make us see the light and make it two."

The chef looks at us sharply and asks how we want them cooked. "Grilled slowly over a low flame till done" Hisoka says with a creepy smile on his face.

The chef nods and said to see ourselves to the back room. We walk to the back room and sit down and I smile. "So Hisoka is this where the exam is being held."

"No this is just to get were the first exam is being held" he smiles and then the room starts to go down "this is going to take us to the first phase."

I nod and the elevator keeps going down until we hit the 100 floor. The door opens and we step out to people staring at us. A little bean guy walks to us and hands us tags with numbers on the "you must wear this on your chest at all times and don't loss it."

I look down at my tag and it has the number 45 on it and I see Hisoka has number 44 on it. I smile and put it on and crawls onto Hisoka's shoulders. Everyone stares at me and Hisoka so he gives out a bloodlust. Everyone turns away quickly. Hisoka walks away from the door and goes over to a wall and puts me on his lap as he sits down.

(About 4-5 hours later)

Me and Hisoka were playing card and then the door opens and two people walk out of the door. The bean guy gives the the tag's 403 and 404. I look at Hisoka and smiles as he stares to get up and put's me on his shoulders. He walks around and I look at all the applicants. 

I was looking around and didn't notice that Hisoka stopped until someone bumps into Hisoka and I start to fall off his shoulders until Hisoka caches me and cuts the guy's arms off with a card. "You should really apologize when you bump into someone differently when you knock someone off my shoulders" Hisoka givers off a creepy smile and I crawl onto his back linking my arms around his neck and putting my legs around his waist.

Everyone stares at us again say Hisoka walks away. He gives off another bloodlust and everyone turns away terrified. I lay my head on his shoulder and Hisoka puts a arm under me so I dont fall off. Hisoka kept walking until we hear a loud ringing so I cover my ears until it stops. The ringing stops as one of the walls lift up and shows someone so I linked my arms around his neck again.

"Hello everyone the qualification time is up to enter the exam. We will began the first exam. So will all 403 applicants follow me" the first examiner said and starts walking the other way from behind the wall.

Everyone follows him as everyone walks for about 3 minutes and the everyone starts picking up the pace and starts to run. "Oh I forgot to intrudes myself. My name is Satotz and I'm your first examiner."

Some people looked confused and asked about the first exam and Satotz say's I already started. The pace began to pick up again so I look down at Hisoka "Hey Hisoka do you want me to run with you so I don't trouble you from being on your back."

"Don't worry my little fruit you don't weigh that much so your easy to carry. Also, I love to carry you because it helps me to keep a eye on you so nothing happens" Hisoka smiles and so do I as I lay my head on his shoulder.

That is it for chapter 1

Word count: 725

Hunter X Hunter Gon's and Hisoka's adventures. (Hisoka X Gon)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें