It's a date

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After their case in Denver, Spencer got his suitcase at the hotel and while JJ made the check out to leave, he was typing a text on his phone.

Dave walked to him "hey kid, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm letting know Max we will return tonight, she asked me to text her when I'm done with a case" Rossi smiled looking at his boy genius "you know what? This is some new experience because, I always saw JJ, Hotch, Derek, Matt, Emily, Luke even you texted someone they are ok and they will return home" Spencer smiled and Dave patted his back.

"There's always new experiences in life and I'm happy you are living this one. She cares about you a lot" Spencer nodded softly.

"Yeah, she wants things slow and that's fine for me"

"That's perfectly normal, especially when she had a relationship with a man that wasn't nice to her. I totally understand that"

"Me too and I won't do anything she doesn't want me to. So I don't know when to ask her to be my girlfriend"

Dave smiled at him "you will know, when the moment arrives, you will know" Spencer just nodded and JJ with the rest of team arrived, ready to return home.

They chatted about their parallel universes expectations, he told JJ he wanted to be a cowboy with horses and cattle and she would be there with Will and the kids, Dave will have a saloon and Penelope a place for wounded animals.

Dave told them his wish to be a boxer and then talked about his conversation with Muhammad Ali where he was drunk.

After that the travel was relaxed. They slept a few minutes before the pilot announced they arrived to DC.

They leave to there houses, it was midnight so they decided to do the paperwork in the morning.

Spencer drove to his apartment and when he arrived he found a letter under his door. He was nervous because he knows how unsubs try bad things with the nails but when he saw it was from Max he relaxed a bit.

It was written by her hand so it could not be someone faking her, also no signs of stress in her writing. He was profiling a piece of paper but he had to make sure.

When he was sure the letter was legit he opened the envelope and inside was a letter.

Hey Spencer:

I wrote this letter to welcome you home after a few days working outside.

Since we met and you told me somethings about your job, I got worry, and after faced Cat, well it grew up more.

Now finally I got two tickets for a "Paint and Drink" event, I know you do not drink alcohol so you just skip that and drink water.

It is this Saturday night. The rest of the week I will be busy but I promise to call you when I can.

See you soon,

Max Brenner.

Spencer took out the tickets for the event and smiled at that. He was not the kind of artistic man but he hopes he can do a decent job.

Then he put the letter and tickets on his table and walked to his bedroom, changes into his sleeping clothes and lays in bed falling sleep almost immediately.

The next morning he woke up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and then walked back to his bedroom to dress up and drives to his work where he did his paper work.

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