Cat's Plan

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Criminal Minds character, I just use for entertainment and to kill boredom.

This story is an study of Max and Spencer reactions during their conversation with Cat

After their case in Illinois, Spencer and Max planned a date to drink coffee the morning after he arrived to DC.

Spencer was nervous because she wanted to see his apartment. It was something weird but he accepted.

He cleaned his apartment deeper than he intended to but he didn't want it to smell like an old-person apartment.

He puts on his favorite suit and a tie. He was cleaning the table for the fourth time when he hears his bell rings.

He runs to the door and opens it, there was Max. She was wearing a cute light gray shirt, a jacket and jeans "Hey"

He smiles "Hi, co…come in"

"Oh boy, you, uh… you cleaned" the smell hits her nose as soon as she walks in. His apartment was cute and cozy but that smell was awful.

"I did" he was cursing in his mind. Why was he nervous? She was so sweet and she wouldn't say something mean because his apartment was 'dirty'.

"Hey, uh, we're just getting coffee. Why did you bleach your apartment?"

Well, even though it's out third coffee date, you wanted to see my apartment, which initially I actually thought was kind of odd, but then I remembered that I was actually the one that said you should meet me at my apartment,…" he started to babble which she thought was cute but also very confusing "… and then I realized I have not had company in… 4 years, so, I should probably open up a window. You know, air out the place"

She smiles at his speech, he was so cute but she started to feel like maybe her request to take things slow maybe make his feel uncomfortable or he wasn't happy about it.

She really likes him and doesn't want to lose him like a former boyfriend because she took things too quickly. She looks at him worry and asked "Are you ok with this?"

"With what?"

"Taking things slow"

"Oh, yeah, I'm… I'm good with that"

"Good, because, um… whenever I've taken things fast, I've been disappointed"

"I know the feeling" he looks at her "A…and I know what 'fast' means to me, but in your book, when you say 'fast' do you mean…" she laughs softly as his phone starts to ring "Sorry, I'm so sorry"

"Please" she says as she turns to see his apartment while he takes that call.

He looks disappointed when he realizes it was from Emily, which means work.

"Hey, what's up?"

"We have a case that's urgent"

"All right. I'll be right in"

"Spencer, there's something you need to know"

"Uh- huh. All right. Understood" Max was checking something on a table listened who his voice change from his usual calm and warm tone into a cold and tensed one.

Both turn to look at each other, she knows it's a case so there date have to wait, she understand it but still its disappointing "Work"

"Yeah" he was also disappointed because he likes to drink coffee with her but this was an important case.

"It's ok. Coffee can wait" he places a hand on his chest and pats it softly "Go save a life" she leaves his apartment and he was upset to lose this opportunity with her especially with the person he has to face with at work.

He drives as quick as possible to the bureau and asks Emily all the details. Cat Adams, somehow, did it again. She managed to kidnap two people with someone's help and managed to annoy him.

Emily ordered the prison to bring her to their offices to interrogate her, of course it was his job. She always says her plans to him. That's there game.

She wanted a date with him, but that would never happens. He won't accept her demands, she must have a hidden agenda but what did she has in store for them?

She got into his skin quite quickly this time. He has to leave, take off his tie because he couldn't breathe for the anger he felt and throw some books on the floor.

After some minutes he calmed himself and walks to inform what she said about the date and about the people she kidnapped were father and daughter, a slightly change from her usual M.O.

They decided to send Emily to talk to her while Spencer stay outside. And he decided to call Max to check on her, he needs to hear her voice after his face off with Cat.

When she sees his phone number she let go a sigh of happiness "Hey, you" she was picking up her coffee.

"Hey, how's your day going?"

"Amazing actually. I got a phone call from my headhunter about a position at the Smithsonian creating programs for people with disabilities. I am drooling I want it so bad" he happiness makes him smiles a little.

"You're gonna get it"

She can tell there was something wrong but can't quite get it. He did not sound like himself so she decided to ask him "Hey, um… are you ready to tell me about what's been going on? Because there is something"

'Yeah there is something' thought him but of course he does not want to bother her with his problems with Cat. But he does not want to make her feel he does not thrust her so he told her "it's an old case. Someone I arrested that I thought I was done with"

"Well, we could talk about it tonight, maybe. Could be our first night time date" she smirks thinking about a night date with him. She wants to keep going out with him.

"Only if we don't talk about any of this, ok? I don't want to waste another second on her"

"Her?" He cursed under his breath when he realizes he told Max, his problems were because of a woman.


"It" she was not stupid, she heard him saying her so it was a woman messing with him. She was not the jealous kind of woman but still hates it when another woman mess up with her boy… 'no, he still isn't your boyfriend Max' she was thinking.

"I uh…" he was nervous.

"It just… it sounded like you said…"

"I have to go. Keep me posted."

"Right. You… you too"

"Bye" and he hung up. She bites her lip a little angry and wanting to know what was happening.

He was weird and she was worry but she will wait until tonight when they can talk.

After that he didn't call again and neither did she. She sent her resume to her headhunter so he gives it to the museum so they make their decision.

Meanwhile she does some painting and plans her classes. At night she got a phone call. She smiles thinking it was Spencer call to let her know he was ready to pick her up for their date.

The number was not registered but she answer "Hello Max, I have your sister Eloise" her sister scream to show her it was not a joke "if you want her alive and well… go to Spencer Reids apartment, there's a key under the mat" and she hung up leaving Max crying and shaking.

She managed to go to her car and drives to his apartment. Not knowing what will happens or what she will found.


Ok this was all for now. I hope you like this first part. The second will be up tomorrow or tonight.

There will be all the dialogues between these three characters and their emotions.

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