Gender Swap (Part Two)

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-Thanks to @Nightwing-Robn4ever for the request. leave your requests in the comments (or message me)-

"...Please... Stop!"

"And if you take birth control, you can just... keep bleeding... for MONTHS on end!" Robin squealed, upset. "And hips grow, and breasts grow, and it all hurts a lot. Any questions?"

"I hope this doesn't last very long..." She whined. "Womanhood sounds like a NIGHTMARE!"

"Yup." Barbra finished braiding Robin's hair. "There, this should keep it out of your way for a few hours."

She groaned. "I look like Wednesday Addams!"

"It's either that or Rapunzel." Barbra pointed out. "How's that bra feel?"

"Tight..." Robin grimaced. "I like the support, but it's a little sore around my ribs."

"Yep, sounds about right." Barbra got up and stretched with a groan. "It's already two am. I'm going to get some rest, and in the morning, we'll figure something out..."

"Kay, Goodnight." Robin sighed, lying back on her bed. it took her nearly ten minutes to figure out how to sleep. she couldn't lie face down, or on the side, because of her breasts, and when she slept on her back, her hair got itchy. It was a pain.


Alfred called her Mistress. Was this Jason's idea of some sick joke?

After breakfast, Barbra grabbed her arm. "Let's go, Grayson, I'm taking you out on the town."

"What? I can't go out like this!"

"No one will know it's you!" The redhead protested. "Come on, you're spending the day as a girl, don't you wanna flaunt it a little?"

Robin shrugged shyly. "I guess..."

"Perfect, I'm calling Steph, and we're taking you out. BOYS," She called to the others. "Wanna come?"

Jason shook his head regretfully. "I'm at Roy's today, can I handle everything tomorrow?"

"Sure, I'd love to see you try!" Barbra shouted, busy texting Stephanie. "We'll meet Steph at the mall, come on."

The entire car ride, Barbra helped Robin in her attempt to tame her mass of hair. It was a mess, but they finally managed a couple pigtails, Robin said that was a little infantile, but Barbra said they were fine.

The mall was bustling, since it was a Saturday in the summer. Gaggles of guys and girls in shorts and ballcaps filled the linoleum highway which was the entrance hall. 

"Where are we going?" Robin asked.

Barbra checked her phone. "We're here early, Steph will be here in twenty." She frowned as a cluster of four girls wearing the same jean shorts and long straight hair passed. "I gotta... run some errands, we could do that."

So they did, first they headed to the printing place, where she was printing off headshots from the yearbook (So she could tape them to dartboards and training dummies), and then into the little drugstore for tampons.

"What's that?" Robin whispered to the older girl, jerking her thumb at something on the shelf. 


The younger girl blushed. "that!"

"The Diva Cup?" She asked. Robin blushed harder, nodding aggressively. Barbra laughed and gave an unbridged explanation, embarrassing Robin greatly. She wished she hadn't asked, but Barbra was still just laughing at her.

They met Steph at the food court, by then they'd also picked up a set of girl's underwear. Robin was still greatly uncomfortable. Moodily chowing down on some fries.

"Barbra!" The blonde cried.

"hey Steph." She replied, with less enthusiasm.

Stephanie gasped. "Who's this?" She took a close look at the little girl, she looked familiar.

Barbra rolled her eyes. "Imagine if Robin... was a girl."

Steph's brain took a few seconds to realize. "Oh My God!" She grabbed Robin's face, squishing the girl's cheeks a little as she inspected. "Richard?"

"I'm going by Robin until this is fixed..." She muttered.

Steph looked her outfit up-and-down. Robin was wearing a red-and-white striped t-shirt, and a normal pair of her jeans, which misfit the female body a bit. "I need to fix you." She thought aloud.

"You mean, like the chick from Wicked?"

"Exactly." She agreed, grabbing Robin's wrist and pulling her up. 

Barbra rolled her eyes. "Steph, we don't do fast fashion. Remember? Overly-expensive, bad for the environment."

"No Duh, Barb, I'm taking her to the thrift store down the road!"

The Redhead snorted and grabbed her soda, following the older and younger girls out of the building. Fries in hand, Robin was dragged after Stephanie, trying to regain her footing as they walked.

"I'm not going to be a girl for very long... probably... I don't need girl clothes."

"Just do this for me, please? I've always wanted a little sister, and Barbra never let me use her."

"Cause I'm not a doll,  Steph, I'm a sentient human, I don't like people playing dress-up with me!"

Steph tutted and continued down the street, luring Robin into an infectious chatter. they continued on a few minutes when there were a series of loud honks. Robin turned around to see if there'd been a car accident or something. instead, he was a silver truck, hugging the curb next to them, Barbra was flipping the truck off. shortly, Steph did the same.

"Fuck off, creep!" The redhead spat, encouraging the others to hurry up.

"She's thirteen!" Steph shouted, gesturing to Robin.

"Robin, run ahead with Steph."

"No- I'm older." The blonde refuted. "Robin, run ahead with Barb, I'll make sure this guy doesn't try anything.

They did. He didn't (Thank God and Spoiler)


"Thank you for coming to our fashion show!"

"This is our living room." 

"Tim, this is fun for me!" Steph argued.  "Will you please welcome Robin, sporting our newest fit, only eighteen dollars at Value Village!"

Robin turned dramatically into the doorway. She was actually kind of getting into this, and the outfit was pretty cool: a floaty blue dress WITH POCKETS, and a white jean jacket. It was a fit for sure. She strutted a little before her brothers, she was having fun with this.

"Except the shoes, those are mine, and yes, they're stuffed with paper towels." Barbra added cheekily.

"Fucking Slay!" Jason gaped. "She's got moves!"

"This is ridicules." Damian promptly left. 

"Is this what you were doing all day?" Tim asked.

"Yup!" Stephanie confirmed. "Now... Timmy, would you be a doll and search up that licence plate number for me?"

"YASS, QUEEN! Drop it, Bitch! Show Them Hoes What They're Missin'!" Jason cheered as the grinning Robin showed off her outfit and acrobatic skill. 

She was a born performer, after all.

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