Dick's First Ever Date

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-Sorry for formatting, this was copy-posted from the notes app-

"Text me when you get there, and as soon as the movie ends. Make sure you're back by eight, and if ANYTHING happens, call me immediately."

"Bruce, we're fine! It's just a movie!" Dick groaned, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Is that what you're wearing?"

"...Yeah?" Dick looked down, he was impressed with his outfit: a blue polo shirt and dark-wash jeans.

"Oh no you don't, young man."

"Why?" He whined.

"I'm not letting you out into Gotham in November without a jacket on."Dick groaned. 


"No, you're not leaving this house without a coat!"

"FINE!" Dick huffed and ran out of the room to get his more stylish jacket.Bruce turned towards the door. "I have some requirements for you, too."


"1) you WILL NOT use Dick as an ATM."
Nervously, Dick's new friend pulled out a thin red wallet that seemed to have been drawn on with sharpies. "I was going to pay."

"Good. 2) you will NOT make Dick drink or smoke."

"I've never wanted to do either."

"3) you WILL NOT let Dick be hurt, or Hurt Dick yourself. Emotionally or physically."

"BRUCE!" Dick ran in standing between the two. Seriously, Bruce's overprotectiveness had driven away his last four potential friends, and in two cases, the potential friends had went around spreading rumours about him because of it.

"You're embarrassing me!" Dick hissed, "it's just three hours: Bike there, watch movie, bike back. What could go wrong?"

"Straight there, straight back." Bruce stated. "Wear your helmets and put all your lights and reflective gear on."

"YES!" Dick shouted. "let's go, or we'll miss the previews. Bye, Bruce!"

"Good bye."

He grabbed the other youth's hand, and hurried out the door. "c'mon, Wally."They got their bikes from around the corner of the manor, and turned all their lights on.

"You're dad's pretty worried, huh?"

"I'm sorry about all that. He thinks I'm still eight years old. Won't even let me go to the store alone. I'm surprised he even said yes!" Dick realized too late what a massive turn off that probably was.

"Let's go." Wally hopped on his bike. "Lead the way."


Bruce wasn't an idiot. Dick may be going through a phase, but there was no way his boy was going out without a chaperone, and a few dozen trackers on him and his new 'friend'. The trackers were taken care of.

Barbra had jumped at the opportunity to go to the movies, all expenses paid, for the small price of making sure Dick wasn't dead. She wasn't crazy for Mama Mia, but it's what Dick was taking his little friend to see, so she'd just settle back and enjoy Meryl Streep.

The boys were going off. Dick made Wally pay for just the tickets, about twenty-seven dollars, while he covered the snacks, at least 30$. Wally was horrified that Dick tricked him into spending less money than him, but Dick told him to chill, and upgraded their Drink size.

Dick adored ABBA, but had never seen the movie, and Wally hadn't seen it since he was about six, so they were EXCITED.

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