43 Everan & Valadae

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A/N: I don't like this reference, imagine him however you want to.

_Everan & Valadae_

    "Everan! Everan!" Valadae called his name as he pulled her along the hallways blindly. She gasped in surprise when he ducked into an empty room after rounding a corner, allowing the guards chasing them to continue running past. The fae girl took this moment to look him up and down. His face was more hardened than usual and he seemed to be out of it, looking a bit dazed with how his eyes would not focus on anything. His golden honey eyes were almost glowing now, slightly illuminating the room which only had slight light coming in from behind the window's curtain.

    She pulled from his grasp when she noticed the scales that were creeping up his arms and face. Her immediate assumption was that he was some sort of demon before the reality of who exactly he was dawned on her. "You were born under the dragon..." She mumbled. His eyes suddenly shot to her and he took her by the arm, trying to lead her out of the room but Valadae pulled against him. "No! No, talk to me Everan!"

    He only growled at her in response. "Damn you, you stubborn fool!" She hissed at him as she hit his tugging arm. "I just lost my sister! The least you could do is tell me what it is you are planning to do running around the palace like this!"

    He had not even looked at her and continued to drag her to the door, her small figure easy to pull along with him. Valadae reached up and cupped his face in her hands, forcing his golden eyes to meet her light blue ones. "Everan." She said his name, unsure what else to say to him.

    He stared at her for a long moment before the glow faded from his eyes and the scales retreated back into his skin. He blinked for a moment before he smacked her hands away from his cheeks.

    "We need to get out of here, who knows if they'll send more," He told her now, coming back to his senses.

    Valadae gave him a strict look. "What was that? What was going on with you?"

    His eyes narrowed and he looked out into the hall silently. "Everan!"

    He turned to glare at her. "Keep quiet." He instructed her.

    "Not until you tell me what it is you plan to do. Why hide from the guards? I'm with you."

    "I'm dying today aren't I?" He hissed at her. "I might as well have killed that brat fae."

    "She was not a brat! She was- she was my sister!" Valadae said with trembling lips and hands.

    "More assassins will come for you, and I am going to die if I stay. We need to get out of here." He instructed her, ignoring her tears.

    "I am safer here than out there," She told him now.

    "Trust me, you are not. The wilds have been trying to get assassins in here for years, the fact that they have now means that someone important has become a traitor." He told her matter of fact.

    Valadae gave him a sceptical look. "No, that can't be. Everyone in the court has sworn their loyalty. It has been this way for many years." She said confidently.

    "You are much more naive than you let on," Everan grumbled out. "Even the grandest and fairest of courts have enemies and traitors. You are going to die if you stay here."

    "Why do you even care! You've talked about killing me yourself before," She said as she violently wiped tears away from her eyes.

    "Shut up," He grumbled, taking her by the arm again and leading her out into the hallway. "How do we escape safely? It's do or die, some traitors are likely to be less obvious than the two we came across." He told her.

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