Chapter 5

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(In editing...)

Hellooooo~ Darlings(^ω^)!!!! Did you miss me??? No? Good!!! Because I forgot this existing. Same as me 'humerus' jokes (°°)... 'Tibia' honest here I know it's been what couple of years since I had this updated here. And I apologise for not making new chapters.

SO!!!! I'm "back" , or more likely back alive. And going to make a new chapter here. So enjoy 😊


(Your POV)

I got out of my bed and started to walk to my door. As I was looking through it, I saw a new skeleton at the end of the hallway. He's black like Error(still not in racist way!) except for having some yellow, pink and blue splash's on his body and clothes.

I was curious who he might be and does any of the other skeletons knew him. I walked towards to the skeleton and tapped his shoulder. He turned his skull towards to me and looked in shock.
"Who are you? And how did I get here?" He asked. "I'm Y/n. And I'm not sure that how did you got here." I said and held out my hand to him. He was hesitant but took my hand and stood up. "Thanks. And I'm Paperjam. But you can call me PJ for short." he said smile on his face. 'Aww. He's cute as Blueberry. If you put both of them in raking "who's the cutest", then there would be a war or something' I thought and smiled back to PJ.

"Oh yeah, now that I remember your not the only one that has this same problem" I said and remembered the other ones in the same situation. But before I could say any words one of the doors slammed open.

"What going here!????" Blueberry yelled or more like said (because he's a loud boy😅) "Huh?" he saw PJ and run to hug him. "PJ!!!" he yelled and absolutely woke others up. Ink was the first one came to see what was happening. "Paperjam?" he asked. "Yeah?" PJ said. Ink went up to hug him after Blueberry had his hugging session. "It's good to see you!" he in very excited voice. "It's good to see you too, dad" PJ said which make me go in shock. "DAD!!!???" I yelled.

As I was thought many questions in my head, my train of thoughts was stopped by Error walking in to see what was all the yelling and yapping.
"What the heck is happening here?" he asked in annoyed voice. He looked right at PJ and started to crash. "Umm... Error?" I asked as I shake my hand in front of his face. "Oh, don't worry. He does that every time he sees PJ." Ink explained and stop hugging PJ. "Why?" I asked. "Because he still can't believe that he's his son." he explained and started to shake Error back and forth. "Snap out of it!" Ink yelled and slapped Error face couple of times. But nothing seems to help.

I walked towards to Error and out of Inks hands. "I think that's not going to help" I said and took Error to his room and on to his bed. After that I back to PJ, Ink and Blueberry. "Seems that Error is still doing 'that' for awhile, so what should we do?" I asked hoping that nothing is going to happen to the chocolate stealing skeleton. "I think he's going to be fine. So don't worry (be happy~😉)" Ink said. I looked back at PJ. "You can stay here with us if that's not a problem to you. I have guest rooms that you can stay in." I said with little smile on my face. PJ looked little hesitant again but shrugged it off and said "Okay. Thanks again for your hospitality." he said with his little smile.

After that little "incident", Ink and Blueberry went back their rooms. So I went with Paperjam to show his room and gave him blankets and pillows for his bed. "Good night PJ. Sleep well." I said and went back to my room. "Good night" PJ said right before I shut my door close.

'What a night.' I thought and checked my phone what time it is. 12pm (idk how time works in different countries( ̄^ ̄)ゞ) it said. So I went under the comfortable blankets and go back to the dreamland.
A new member to the family.
What could possibly go?

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