Chapter 1

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(Heavily Edited, 17.1.23)


You already who I am and what do I look like. Because I'm you, (Y/n). I'm 18 years old. An orphan. I like playing videogames, watch anime, learning how to cook-...

Yeah you read it right. I'm an orphan. "How" you ask (Maybe you didn't, but now you do!). Well, I guess I could share you our "tragic" backstory of ours.

It all started when I was 7 years old (my mama told me) my parents got divorsed and always got, almost every evening, in a fight by "who should have the current house", "who will pay the child support" and so on. I always thought that they got in an arrange marriage by their own parents. But my aunt told that they were just "old high school sweethearts" and got me too early. What she told me was that they were still happy to have me. But, then why did they want to be divorsed?

That all ended at the age of 8.


I walked back home from school. Neither of my parents didn't have time to pick me up. They both were still together, only this time being on own separate beds and did their own things. Both explaineded to me that their playing a game, what they called, "two people who just want to be alone". Worst name ever and also I was not that dumb.

It was beautiful day outside that day. The birds were singing and the neighbours tulips were finally blooming. But days like these, only wouldn't be like this for the next few years. I just got infront of my house. Before I could even open the front door, I heard a loud bang sound behind it.

Somehow the loud sound alerted the neighbours. The familiar sweet old married couple Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan were the first ones who came to see what was happening. I was not moving a single muscle in my body. Sweat was dripping down my forehead and back. Like sins were crawling on my back.

I thought the robber was at my parents' house trying to get something valuable. Or a creepy clown who wanted to torture them for their own sins. (Maybe I watched too much IT back then)

Everything else was blank. All I remember is ambulances and police cars coming with alarms blaring in the background. Mrs. Sullivan was holding me while listening with her husband what the policeman found inside of the house. Apparently, both of my parents decided it would best to just end it all and not bear the consequences with their own responsibilities. They found a note saying it all.

Of course, before they did it, they called my aunt and asked her for a favor. The favor was to take care of me.

*end of the flashback*

What I heard from my aunt in later years. She said she had a hunch for what was going to happen next and tried to drive as fast as possible to my house. But it was already too late. I'm thankful though for her. For taking me in, taking care of me, helping me with getting through with all the bad stuff and just tried to raise me like her own. She never had kids. Always wanted one, but giving birth to a kid was scary too her. So she became my legal guardian.

When I got the age, that I am right now, she got idea for getting me my own place for moving in. She thought this would be a good opportunity for me to be little more independent. So somehow she got me a freaking mansion for a "living space"! I know she's a big shot at her own company, but never knew why or how she would buy me such a big place for me ALONE to live in.

Don't know if she is secretly a psychic. But after few days of living in that "house" of mine, I finally knew why.

(Y/n) Pov

It was a "normal day" today. Just got back from my cooking lessons (aunt was kind enough to teach you some "skills of living" for you to survive) and really wanted to make some cookies. I gotta eat when I gotta to eat TT-TT. After some baking, cleaning and waiting them to chill a little, they were ready. (F/f) (favourite flavour) cookies. Just like how granma used to make them.

Eating couple of them made me so happy! It felt like forever to finally eat one of them (even thought you eat some a week ago), they were your one of the comfort foods to eat.

"Maybe I should work at the bakery. Because I got the buns and the baking skills to impress. Wouldn't hurt to find a side gig for extra cash." I said that out loud and were about to eat another those delicacies, but decided to save them for later.

Then I heard a thud sound somewhere around in the livingroom... 

"What was that?"


Well, well, well...

This could be a start for an adventure.

(I hope you liked this new version! I'm editing this on my computer and trying to make it a little less "cringe" than it originally was. I don't promise for "good spelling" and "great storytelling". But hopefuly this is still entertaining for you guys! Bye bye.)

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