Chapter 6

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(This song is just... perfect😏)

(Y/n)'s Pov

It was a sunny morning. The weather was perfect for someone who likes to going out for a "morning walk". If there was someone like that (too lazy for it!), never going to wake me up! Because sleep was much more important than "going out" and "do something productive".

Before I could even turn to my other side (or whatever you do when you want to go back to sleep) a blue blur rushed right through my poor door.

"GOOD MORNING (Y/N)!!! Rise and shine! It's time for you to get up to have a magnificent breakfast!" said the ball of sunshine named Blueberry. "But it is too early for this... and it's Saturday" I plead but that went through deaf ears (even though skeletons don't have any ears😅).

"Nonsense! It is only 7.30 in the morning . And that's late for me!" Blueberry said as tried to take my blanket off of me. "When does this little ball of blueberries actually wake up?!!!" I thought as tried to battle against blanket thievery.

"good morning." That came from my, victim of a, door. It was Honey! He can help me!!! He seems layed back and lazy, to understand why this have to end with my victory! "Honey! Help! This little blueberry doesn't have a grip of the situation of importance of good rest. So could you please help over here." I said giving the best puppy eyes that I could manage while still being really sleepy.

Silence came to the room. But that was cut off by certain skeleton who I pleaded for. "yeah. I know a couple things of resisting "a rest". But this is not the thing I got "a grip" for. So... good luck kiddo." As he said that he walked off. "Betrayal🥲"

Honey's Pov

"Sorry kid. But when my bro is waking somebody up. There is no getting away from it. Stopping him at doing something he is determined to do. Is almost impossible to stop." I thought as I sympathised for the human.

(Y/n)'s pov

After what felt like few hours of battling, we came to a conclusion that I can get few more minutes of rest then I can get up. But that didn't happen, because SOMEONE was sitting next to my bed and counted out loud the seconds!!! So I had to get up and come downstairs. But I couldn't get mad at sweet little Blueberry, he is doing what is best for someone.

Putting on the days outfit and got out of my room. Good thing Blueberry gave my little privacy and went to kitchen, said something about making breakfast, so went towards the stairs.
Once I got down the stairs I saw them all at the kitchen making breakfast. Or so I thought.
Because the kitchen was in chaos. Error and Ink were hanging on the ceiling (how?), PJ was covered with flour (when?) and Honey and Blueberry were having little fight of using puns at the kitchen (karma and huh?). "Okay... Guys?" I was not having this in 7.40 in the morning. "Maybe we should clean this up before getting any further." I said as I went to get my cleaning supplies.

After some cleaning, and some scolding, I was able to get everyone do something by giving them different task to do. Ink was setting the table with PJ. Error and Honey was put to the living room couch for a little "timeout" (PJ explain why). And Blueberry insisted on helping me at the kitchen. Of course giving me a big starry puppy dog eyes, and little whines, I gave up and accepted his help. We decided to make simple toast with different toppings and some juice of their own choice.

-timeskip after breakfast came you to by... me-

No one's pov

When the breakfast was done and dishes putted away. We all decided to just chill at the couch and choose to watch a movie. Of course choosing a movie that was for everyone's liking was little hard. While Team Error and PJ wanted watch something scary. And team Ink and Blueberry wanted to watch classic Disney movie (Honey was having a nap at the same time, so he was out). Of course you had to take the lead before another blood bath would occur...

"How about a Dreamworks movie?" I asked as all the skulls turned towards me. "What's a Dreamworks?" All of them said at the same time (even the lazy skeleton who almost took the whole couch). "Why do you know Disney if you don't know what frick is a DREAMWORKS?!" I thought but selected classic movie from the Dreamworks...

Sherk (the first one with the memes😌)

-timeskip by All Stars-

It was around 9.30 am when the movie stopped. Everyone was happy. Good job you! You were having good time with the guys. (Error had lots of questions about the movie and one time said "how would some universe could have a similar outcome like this.") Lots of laughs and mini commentaries here and there. Telling them which parts are your favourite. And having lots of fun! This weekend wouldn't be that bad after all.


And what would we have here.
Another thud was heard in the upstairs bedroom.
"How many of these skeletons are coming pop up mow?" You thought as started to walk up the stairs to see the new comer.

Another friend do we have here?
Hopefully they are friendly as they are.

Okie Dokie!
I have a confession to make...
When I went through this story today. I was like "welp... this needs heavy editing", so I might fix things around here or maybe throw it out. So I'm not promising any new chapters for awhile.
Hopefully like this chapter and good day!😇

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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