"It's okay. I'm not really very hungry. I'm just going to get some water and get ready for bed." He replied and Adelia let out a long, dramatic sigh. 

"Well, if you insist." Adelia said. "Oh... I almost forgot."

Luke raised a brow as he watched Adelia run back towards the foyer, looking like an insect with the way she buzzed around. A few seconds later, she reappeared with an envelope in her hands. 

"You got this today." She said, holding it out to him. Luke stared at it for a second before he darted his eyes back to her. 

"Did you see when this came?" He asked, staring back at it. 

"No, I just saw it on the pile when I checked the mail." Adelia said, shaking her head. 

"Who was on duty at that time?" He asked, still staring at it. 

"Ummm, like security?" She asked, confused. Luke nodded. "That guy... Guzman... with the side burns."

"Where is he now?" He asked. 

"Probably home, he's only here in the mornings but Alfonso is here now." Adelia said, wiggling the envelope. "Here!"

Luke reached out, realizing he'd left her standing with her arm extended. 

"Thank you." He said, tucking it into his pocket. 

"Aren't you going to open it?" She asked, glancing curiously. 

"Later." He replied, turning back towards the kitchen. Adelia sighed in frustration. Adults never told her anything. 

"Goodnight." She called out loudly, turning in the direction of her room. 

"Goodnight." Luke called back as he entered the kitchen, stopping when he saw Echo just a couple of feet away. 

"Hi." They said at the same time, both looking down as they did. She was holding a glass of water in her hands, apparently having had the same idea. 

"Thirsty?" He asked, stating the obvious. She nodded. 

"Yeah." She said, bringing a hand up and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Are you just getting home?"

"Yeah." He said with a nod, "Just a lot going on."

"Situation still not any better at work, huh?" She said. 

"No, but it will be." He said, moving towards one of the stools and slipping off his jacket. "I might have to leave town for a couple of days."

Echo raised her brow, walking towards him. 

"Oh?" She asked, setting the glass on the counter. "Is everything okay?"

She couldn't explain it but she had a feeling, that type of feeling like when you're absolutely sure you're going to throw up. 

"It is, it's just something I need to handle personally." He said, not looking up at her as he sat. 

"Luke, look at me." She said, prompting him to turn towards her. Echo placed a hand on either shoulder. "Are you danger?"

Luke blinked multiple times. Could she really sense it? Could she feel that there was more going on?

"No." He said, unsure if that was true or not. 

"I don't like it." She said, still not releasing him. "I don't like it, Luke. Are you going alone? Is Marco going with you?"

"I'm going to meet him there." Luke said calmly. "and I promise you, everything will be fine."

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora