The braid is fascinating. It contains a multitude of hues. The length, oh yes, the length. When I gather the courage to study his receding form, I gasp. Draped over his shoulder, his braid swings feely past his knees and I have a strange desire to see it loose.

If long hair is a sign of status on men and short hair on women, what does mine speak? For a women, my hair is long, hanging past my waist. I used it to cover my eyes should the veil slip.

Should I cut my hair since I have these dresses?

"No," the Immortal Lord shouts.

"M-M-My Lord J-Jerrath?"


Did I speak my thought a loud?

"I-If it p-pl-pleases you my L-Lord J-Jerrath."

"It does." The conversation ends without the beginning.

"Where do the Cӱbreesian runes come from?"

I raise my hand to indicate I am eating.

"Th-The runes of Cӱbreesia a-a-are created b-by Ira's f-f-f-first d-daughter, Cӱbreesia. Cӱbreesia created th-th-them f-f-for human mo-motals to g-gain con-control of their Wi-Will and Lou-Lourife. Hu-Hu-Humans had n-no con-control over th-their Lourife."

Wanting to impress the Immortal Lord, I continue. "Th-There are th-thirty-two runes. Each rune has a name and sound. Un-Unlike th-th-the Tiygressian ch-characters, th-the Cӱbreesian runes n-n-never change s-s-s-sound according to w-which rune s-s-surounds it."

"Th-Th-The Cӱbreesian runes are sp-split into f-f-four categories; air, w-water, earth and f-f-fire. Th-There are eight runes i-in e-e-each ca-ca-categorie. They con-contain a sub-element; cr-creation, illusion, res-restoration, des-destruction and con-conjuration.

"E-Each element c-c-can have up to th-three sup-elements. E-Every rune c-can contain two castings. Ca-Castings give sp-sp-specific meaning, such as a-a-a-a creation of an-animal or- pl-plant o-or object. Or create said animal, pl-plant or-or object."

"Very good," he says, "What of the Dharc-Sthӓr?"

I straighten. "Th-The runes of the Dharc-Sthӓr w-were created by Rhy-Rhyun's first ea-earthborn son. Be-Before jealousy an-and wrath filled his h-h-heart, he recognized light ne-needed to be bal-bal-balanced with dark; only th-then could humanity com-completely master Lous'rife and Will."

"D-Darciithe twisted th-the runes for-for a sinister pur-pur-purpose and Dharc-Sthӓr runes bec-became anathema."

"I see your history lessons are going well. Is Myorla teaching you the Dharc-Sthӓr runes?"


"It is not illegal to learn only to use."

I grab a strawberry from its bowl and at the same moment, the Immortal Lord stands and walks to my side. I take a bite and look up. A tear of juice hovers on my lower lip. I grab a napkin to wipe the moisture but the Immortal Lord bats my hand away.

Using his thumb, he gently runs it across my lower lip. Stunned by the contact, I stare at him when he puts his thumb to his tongue and says, "Delicious."

"I am sorry, I couldn't help myself."

I am about to shout when a thought occurs, "You can see me."

He gives a small sigh and says, "Yes. You would figure it out."

"B-B-But how?"

"I am the one who created the spell."


"The one you so lovingly wear upon your skin. There is no need to worry, only I can see."

Worried? I am horrified. An intense blush roars up my shoulders knowing the Immortal Lord's eyes can rest upon my mien. I recall all the times I have shoveled food in my mouth and it makes me nervous.

"On a more serious note, lessons are over for this night."


"House Dal-Raseay arrives this night."


"I don't want you near that woman and I want Myorla and Ceres to be with you at all times."

"I-It seems un-unnecessary."

Out of character, he shocks me once again when he reaches out and runs his thumb down my face, tilting my head and forcing me to look into his eyes. I don't snap my eyes closed like normal. I am no longer afraid.

"When it comes to you, nothing is unnecessary. I don't want you hurt."

"No-Nothing can hu-hurt me."

"Many things can hurt me and you can cause me much pain."

The Immortal Lord drops his hand, picks up my half-eaten strawberry and pops it into his mouth.

"Delicious," he says walking away.

I have a distinct feeling he is not talking about the strawberry. 

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