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Gabe's POV
"Thanks, I love you Javi!" I yell looking at him through the car window. "I love you too bud." Javi said driving off. I then started to regret, but it doesn't matter, they'll be ok.

I grab Javi's bat and I start batting the Meurtos. 1, 2 ,34,5,6,7,8,9,10. Meurtos go down with blood coming from their heads. I take out my gun. I look at my ammo.


23 Meurtos drop dead as I run out. Click. Click. Meaning it's over. "Fuck." I say out loud taking Javi's bat and crashing it to Meurtos heads. One jumped on me but I stabbed it. I then eventually got away running. After a while I stopped I found a can of beans and I opened it while I opened it I realized.

A bite.

"Fuck... fuck....... FUCK!" I yelled. I threw the beans down them spilling on the floor and I put my hands on my head. "Shit. Shit. SHIT!" I yell. I start going towards where the sun was heading. To Prescott. I ran as fast as I could. I needed to tell everyone, what they mean to me. Especially Clem. I have to realize I love her. Or... like like her. It doesn't matter. And before I go... I'll make sure that I don't become one.

After 15 minutes of non stop running I find 3 cars. I went in one and tried starting it. And it worked! It has gas for about 20 miles. "Great." I say starting to drive. It's relatively easy. But that doesn't matter. I need to get to Prescott. I see an explosion in the distance. And I speed up I wanna get there before the Meurtos. After 5 minutes the car sputters out. I start running towards the explosion sound.

"No..." I say covering my mouth as I see Meurtos coming from an exploded field. As a sign is still somewhat visible. It says "Welcome to Prescott!" I was too late. I get on my knees uncontrollably crying. They're gone. Javi, Kate, Kenny,


I start crying more. "FUCK!" I yell. "GOD PLEASE, I LOVED ALL OF THEM... MARI, JAVI, KATE, KENNY..." I start crying more. "Clem...." I say looking down. "Please... come on... give me a chance... to save them... god." I say tears falling down. I hear Meurtos coming towards me. "Just do it." A Meurto wastes no time grabbing my head and opening it's mouth towards my neck. I close my eyes waiting for the pain. Smiling because it'll finally be over. This hell hole. And I'll get to see them again. I feel the teeth hit my skin. Not biting though. And everything stops. The meurto starts backing up. As I see it back up. And I go into this weird neo sci-fi dream. And as I look around everything that happened since I woke up is rewinding it all comes to together as me sleeping. On the ground.

I go into the real world.


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