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Look, this is new for both of us... Calm down.

So, the first question, courtesy of fishonland_2907, is:

How do I, as a Christian, feel towards homosexuals or homosexuality???

This is actually a good question to put Christians in a corner and make them feel uncomfortable. It's easier to talk to other Christians about all the stuff that goes on in the world, but when you're actually addressing the world, that's a whole different ball game.

So I guess, here's my answer to that...

[And this is totally personal, we don't share a brain, so you can think for yourself, skelim tingting, (basically, weighing your thoughts and opinions against what you've been told or heard and decide what you want to believe). It's cool.]

From a Christian standpoint, homosexuality goes against what we believe. So basically, I don't agree with it at all.

It's literally in the Bible and we read about it, but saying it out loud is offensive to people who live that lifestyle in today's society.

Does this mean I dislike homosexuals???

Pfft, no.

(The world tends to blow things out of proportion... Keep that in mind, folks).

I can disagree with it, but it doesn't automatically mean that I don't like them. They're still people. We all are. It is not our place to judge the world, because no one is GOD, and no one has the power to make themselves righteous enough to look down on the earth and its people.

Get rid of that superiority complex...

GOD loves us no matter what, (HE legit sent his SON to die for us), but it's our own sins and refusal to admit to them that keep us from that truth.

I've read and heard stories of people who've struggled with this homosexuality. I actually know someone who's personally struggled with their sexuality and came out a Warrior for CHRIST.

Her testimony was shared in confidence, so there shall be no dropping of names. But I have been allowed to share it with you on this platform, so basically if y'all have any questions, just ask me and if you want to ask my friend more about her testimony, you can message me and do that too. She's not on Wattpad so.... Yeah. I'll let her know on behalf of you guys.

Thanks for reading!

Also, this was not meant to start any beef with anyone. Ever. We're all entitled to our own opinions, so you don't have to take mine and regurgitate it as your own.

Until the next question.

Booooiiiii. Fare thee well, stranger.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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