Chapter 51: Caught Up

Start from the beginning

I look away. I kinda expected her to say that but the hell?! Does she really have to say that? What? She's insensitive now?

"Yeah.. I'm glad that you replaced me with her. I kinda expected that, anyway." My voice cracked.

She was silent for a moment. Maybe absurbing what I've just said.

"I never replaced you." She whispered.

"Liar" I mumbled.

"You left. You just left me." She said bitterly.

I was dumbfounded with what she said as everything flashed back in my mind. Dammit!

I thought everything is already gone. That I already moved on but what the fuck is happening right now? Why is it that all the pain and regrets came back. I work hard for seven years to forget about everything but all of the sudden, it all came back. And seeing her with Yam didn't help at all coz it just made me realize that she's still better than me in so many ways. I've never been so insecure.

I cried for so many nights back then. Asking myself why do I have to leave her behind? Why do I have to follow my mom? Why do I have to hurt both of us? There were times when I wanted to call her and tell her to wait for me. That being with her makes me happy. I just realized those when I left but I don't want to be unfair. I don't want her to wait for something that I know I wasn't sure about. I wanted to tell her those. But there's no use of telling those things to her now. I can see that she already moved on and I think I am the only one who's left behind. I just realized that.

"I wanted to forget you." I almost whispered.

Looking outside coz I can't look at her. I don't want her to see me holding back my tears.

"God knows how I always prayed for that back then, Pie. To forget you." She said with so much pain.

And just like that, I felt my tears running on my face. I quickly wiped it with my fingers. Thank God coz it's dark and it is very easy for me to hide it. This is the one thing I hated when I'm drunk. It makes me weak but it hurts and I don't want her to know that I'm still hurting. Well, I can't do anything about it anyway coz I know that everything happened because of me. Because I left.

"Well, congratulations! I can see that you succeeded. I am happy for you. You deserve it, anyway." I just said. My voice trembled so I cleared my throat. Hoping that I wasn't that obvious.

She hissed and smugged after. Looking at the road seriously.

"What?" I asked.

I waited for her to answer but she remained silent. I stared at her but she avoided to look at me. Maybe she's thinking that I am too drunk. That's why we're having this conversation. I wanted her to say something but I think she doesn't want to talk anymore. So, I just shut my mouth and rest. Yeah, I think this is better.

We were silent till we reach the condo's parking lot and thank God coz we arrived sooner than I expected.

"Wait. Stay still" She said as she turned off the engine and slowly getting out from the driver's seat.

She walked towards my side and open the door for me. Helping me to get out. I wanted to protest but I know she won't let me. So I just let her.

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