Chapter 10: The Ceremony

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The next day there was a knock on my door. Ugh, I'm still not use to waking up so early, nor will I ever be to be honest.

"Enter." I groaned.

Merlin came in my room with a smile. "Today is the ceremony. Your attire is on the chair."

With that he left and I got up to check the clothing. It was a white plain long sleeve tunic, a red robe, and black shoes. I quickly changed into my clothes and let my blond curly hair down. I quickly brushed my hair as well. I walked to the dining hall and sat down to find everyone there already. Merlin spoke up, taking out a piece of parchment as I was eating my toast.

"First we will attend mass, there you will say the oath and vows to chivalry code." Merlin explained.

I almost choked on my toast at his words. An oath and vows?! Why on earth did no one tell me this? 

"Vows? Oath?" I asked. "I wasn't told this."

"Don't worry." Lancelot assured me. "Once the friar finishes the mass and we start the ceremony I will be up there helping you."

Lancelot's words did not help me at all, I still feel nervous. My hands began to clamp up. What is a friar? 

"What's a friar?" I asked.

"The one who speaks in the mass." Percival explained.

Ah, so that must be the priest then. Merlin then cleared his throat to continue where he left off. "Now where was I, ah yes and after the mass the ceremony will start, after the vows and oath his majesty will dub you."

"Dub me?" I interrupted.

"It means you will become a knight." Arthur said.

"And after the dubbing, the celebrating at the castle will take place." Merlin continued. "There will be dining and dancing."

"Now let us not tardy." Merlin added. "Let us go to the church."

With that we walked to the church. The church was filled with other knights, lords, ladies, others that would be in the Royal Court, and peasants. I walked up to the altar where the priest or friar was. Lancelot and the others sat down. There was a seat for me just before the altar and the mass began.


"Sir Lancelot come to the altar." The friar said.

With that the friar left and Lancelot took his position. He walked towards the altar and stood before me. In his right hand he held something that appeared to be like a piece of parchment. 

"Now first Rebecca you shall say the Oath of Fealty." Lancelot explained.

He placed something before me and I saw a parchment with words on it. It must the one he carried in his right hand. Oh, this is what he meant when he said that he'd help me.

"Read it." He whispered.

"I promise for my faith that I will in the future be faithful to the lord, to never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit." I said in a firm voice.

"Good now turn around and stand." Lancelot ordered.

I did as he said and now I was facing the large crowd. My eyes fell upon Arthur who gave me a reassuring smile.

"Now Rebecca, will you defend our people and the weak?" He asked.

I learned about this part at school. It was the last part before the dubbing and before one actually becomes a knight. It was a key component to being a knight, and it was basically like the guidelines and rules to being a knight

"I will." I said.

"Will you be devoted to the church and to your duties as a knight?"

"I will."

"Will you always be brave for the protection of the people?"

I had to be strong and I knew I could.

"I will."

"Will you be loyal to Avalon and to his majesty, King Arthur?"

"I will."

"Will you always say the truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I will always."

"Now it's time for the dubbing." Lancelot informed us.

Lancelot returned to his seat and Arthur brought a sword with him as he came up to the altar where I was. This is it, I am about to be a knight. 

"Kneel on one knee." He ordered.

I kneeled on one knee before him and he placed the sword gently on my right shoulder to my left.

"From this day forth, I hereby proclaim Rebecca Walters as a knight of the Round Table." He said, putting down the sword.

As I got up there were cheers and applauds that filled the church. I smiled and waved as I looked at the crowd. My task is done yet, on the contrary, it has just begun. 

"Now we must return to the castle." Merlin said as he walked towards Arthur.

We were greeted by many people as we walked out. I couldn't go back now, I was a knight and I can't undo that. I have a duty to fulfill, one that only I can do. 

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