42 Savarine & the Nameless

Start from the beginning

Kehan nudged him. "Negativity of the mind only encourages negativity of your reality. Not all is lost. Perhaps when the guards come to lead us to execution, we can overpower them and take the key," He suggested.

Ryu's face went sour. "Armored and armed guards against two unarmored and unarmed men. I am not so hopeful of that situation. We do not even know how these people fight. We know nothing of them and their ways, Kehan."

Savarine's brows raised. "I think Ryus is right. The whole reason I am here in the first place is because of my Father. He was invited to the capital because he is a master swordsman- mainly he trains the princes, but other times he works with the guards why Eric and occasionally Fenir trained the princes. If you encounter guards trained by my father, I don't quite know if you would make it out alive."

A smirk hit Ryu's face now. "Boasting now are we. You that confident in his abilities?"

"Tch," Savarine rolled her eyes. "Sure call me a boaster. But the fact still stands that the Ward family are the best swordsmen on this continent."

"Even you?" Ryus challenged.

"Do not take me for one of those delicate girls," Savarine warned.

"You were crying when we first got here," Ryus pointed out.

"Caught me at a bad time." She said simply.


The girl narrowed her eyes. "You want to go then, western boy? If we make it out of this alive I'll gladly beat your arse sword or fist."

Ryus chuckled. "Sword or fist? That is awfully bold of you, girl."

"Girl? I am a woman!"

"With the way you talk you could have fooled me."

"Are you insinuating me to be a man? Tch. How original." Savarine's playfulness was all but gone now. It was often that she was compared to a man. She was getting sick of it. Eric reached to put a hand on her shoulder but she merely smacked it away.

"Ryus," Kehan spoke up now. "Apologize."

"Huh?" Ryus looked to his friend. "I have done nothing wrong."

"You were rude,"

"Oh because she is a lady I must speak to her appropriately? She is unlike any lady I have ever met outside of the military."

"That does not mean you could so easily insult her like that," Kehan warned him.

Ryus sighed and looked over to Savarine. He opened his mouth to apologize but was cut off.

"I do not care. Compare me to a man all you like, it won't make a difference. Focus on finding a way out of this place," She told him seriously.

Ryus only nodded in response as Kehan gave him another warning look. The group was quiet for a long time, the air now tense, though soon the feeling faded and all they were left with was their thoughts and silence.

Perhaps it was only a few minutes, or perhaps a few hours but soon there was the bang of doors in the distance before footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway. Savarine looked up to see a guard walking up to her cell, but he was not alone, behind him was none other than Fenir. She felt overwhelming joy in seeing her other brother.

"Fenir she breathed as she crawled up to the bars."

"Savarine," he responded in greeting. "I would have come sooner but they would not allow me."

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