"Excuse me." Called a voice, from behind.
A very familiar voice.

Chanyeol turned around and was dumbstruck.
"Ba- Bae.." He really needed to work on his speech.

"Look I get that you're mesmerised by my beauty and by the way I talk and by the way I walk. I mean I don't blame you. But you see, for me, time is of essence and I can't go around letting strangers stare and gape at me for free every time I go outside. This way, I would get nothing done." Smiled the arrogant little jerk with a glint in his eyes.

"I wouldn't pay a dime to look at you." Whispered Chanyeol, instinctively.

The devil, in his full glory stepped closer to Chanyeol and said under his breath-
" This is Korea baby, you pay in won here." And winked.

Chanyeol was dumbfounded, startled, stunned, stupefied and so out of vocabulary.

"Baekhyun?" He finally said.

"Hi Chanyeol." Replied Baekhyun, shyly now. Baekhyun was a hundred people clustered in one tiny body.

"Wha- What are you doing here?" Chanyeol asked.

"How about I am here to see you?" Baekhyun suggested.

"So you're here on a vacation?" Chanyeol was subtly disappointed. He was expecting more or perhaps he wished it would be something more.

Looking at the disappointment on Chanyeol's face, Baekhyun's smile broadened.
"Aw Red, you're still the same. Yes I am here to see you but it's a bit of a funny story really."

"Elaborate." Murmured Chanyeol. He was trying not to get his hopes too high.

"So I was living alone at the house-" Baekhyun started.

"Your grandfather?!" Chanyeol interrupted, shocked.

"No it's not what you're thinking. The man is a cat, he has 9 lives. The thing is, he got married and moved to Kyoto.
He said to me 'What is a better time to enjoy life than when you're old and free- of responsibilities and shame' With a wink! That was traumatising. So he's living there with his 90 year old wife and he moved his cab business to Kyoto as well."

"Oh." Said Chanyeol, like grand father like grandson.
But also internally thanking his grandfather.

"So I told my company that I wanted a transfer because life in Japan had become extremely- predictable once grandpa left."

Chanyeol's insides were bursting with joy but he tried to maintain a neutral expression.

"And so I was looking through the photos of different branches and guess what or rather who I found when a certain photo from a conference of the Seoul branch popped up."

This was the strongest Déjà vu he had felt in ages.

"No I'm kidding, I knew you worked in the Seoul branch. While you decided to ghost me on social media, hours of serious stalking got me in touch with a colleague of yours with whom I planned all this, including meeting you here."

"I wasn't ghosting you. I lost my phone and all my contacts. I made entire new accounts. I tried to look for you but I couldn't find you." Chanyeol tried to explain.

"Nada Nada. It's all thanks to that Penguin eyed friend of yours that I didn't have to tour five cities to find you and bash you for your clumsiness." Baekhyun glared.

Kyungsoo waved from behind.
So that's why he picked up a call from Dami, his ex girl friend. He wanted to give us space.
Chanyeol made a mental note to buy him a Baskin Robbins later.

Lost In Japan[Completed, Quick Read]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant