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1 Year Later

•Liv's POV•

"Ok guys that's all for this weeks video hoped you liked it, if you did be sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe. See you next week stay fabulous" I say as I blow my traditional kiss towards the camera

Ok so I moved to California about a year ago. Since then I have completely changed. When I got here I instantly met my best friend Annabella who gave me a huge makeover.

I now have ombré hair and I just look better in general. I have also made a YouTube and Vine. I have gotten pretty well known on both this past year.

I was spacing out deep into thought when I was brought back down to earth by my phone ringing. It was a number I didn't know but I answered it anyways.


"Hi is this Olivia Anderson?" The mysterious phone caller asked me

"Yes and may I ask who is this"

"Hello this is Bart the creator of a group called Magcon. I was wondering if you would like to join and go on tour with us" This person apparently named Bart asked me

"Yes when does this start?" I asked because I wanted to know

"It starts in two days in Los Angeles where I believe you are currently located, you will just need to meet all of us at the hotel with your stuff packed for the rest of the tour" He said

"Ok thank you so much see you in two days" I said with a smile plastered across my face

"See you in two days" He said and then he hung up

I put down and the first thing I did was text Anna (a.k.a Annabella)

A= Anna


M: Hey Anna guess what just happened😄

A: I don't know just tell me

M: I just got a call to go on this tour thing called Magcon for the summer

A: Omg gurl you finally found something to do while I'm away😊

M: I know I won't be lonley😉 I need to go pack so I'll we you tomorrow and we can hang out all day before I leave

A: Ok we can go to the mall or something

M: Ya sure I'll meet you at the mall at 10 tomorrow

A: Ok that sounds great see you then

I read the text from Anna and ignored it . I remebered that I need to tell my brothers and dad. I hurried down stairs and told them they didn't mind so I went to pack my stuff I saved some room because I knew that I was shopping tomorrow.

•Cam's POV• (first time😏)

So it had been a year since Liv moved away. Me and the boys haven't bullied anyone since.

The other day I got a call from a guy named Bart. He asked me to join some tour thing because of my vines and YouTube videos. I accepted the offer because I knew Matt, Nash, Carter and Shawn have all been asked to join to and they agreed. What's better than a summer on tour with fans and my best friends. Exactly Nothing


So I don't know about this chapter😕

So I did Cam's POV because I can👊

It's like 10:30 and I supposed to be sleeping

I thought I was excited to write this chapter but not really

Follow me on twittaa


Comment on things I need to do betttaaaa and also comment ideas for new characters and include all da basics

I'm tired so



Stay beautiful😍

Bullied ; Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now