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*6 months later*

Liv's POV:

I had only spoken to Nash a few times since the incident with Cam. I had only seen him once as well but there was no plan in running into him at the grocery store. Cam on the other hand, I had seen a lot more. Sure what he did was horrible, but at least he said he was sorry.

I now shared a house out in LA with the Jack's since Magcon was now over with. I had seen my brothers more often now and our house was now sold. It wasn't that important to me. There wasn't childhood memories that lived on forever in that house.

Today was just another day of doing nothing by myself. The boys were in the studio with Sammy. I decided to treat myself with some shopping. I knew Nash was in LA and I also knew I was still in love with him. If I somehow saw him while shopping, I was ready to face him.

I cleaned up a bit and changed in a pair of comfortable capris, a loose fitting tank top and my Nike free runs. I grabbed my purse and slung it across my body. I shut all the lights off and grabbed my house key. I locked the house and guided myself to my car. I got in the drivers side and began to drive to the mall.

I quickly found a parking spot and got inside. It wasn't as packed as I expected but there was a decent amount of people there. I went to a few stores and decided I was hungry. I went to the food court. I went in line to get a slice of pizza that I was craving miserably. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed two very familiar boys; Nash and Cam.

I found a small table to eat at. The only bad part about it was that it was somewhat close to Nash and Cam. I text Annabella who I saw for the first time in months last week.

ME: You won't believe who I see at the mall.

ANNA: Who?

ME: Nash and Cam.

ANNA: Oh shit.

I didn't bother answering back. I continued eating my pizza and praying they didn't see me. I thought I was ready to see him but my feelings for him might drive me over the edge. I still don't know if I'm ready.

Nash's POV:

Today I went to the mall with Cam. He thought it'd be a good idea to help clear my mind of Liv. After I broke up with her I kind of let hell break loose. I was a mess. I had no motivation to do anything whatsoever which had a huge effect on my career; I was slow on making vines and recording YouTube videos and I rarely got out of bed which made me meet like three fans this summer.

At the mall, Cam and I just did some basic shopping. Around 1:00-ish we got hungry. We went over to the food court and found a seat against one of the walls. I began to dig in to my shitty food court meal. I scanned my surroundings. I hadn't noticed it wasn't as busy as usual. I spotted a beautiful girl a few tables away. She was on her phone and her forehead was scrunched up. I squinted my eyes and looked a little closer to her looks. To my luck, the girl was Liv.

Do I talk to her? Would that be bad? Does she still hate me?

Multiple questions flooded through my head. I found myself sticking to my seat like glue. I turned to Cam who was eating his food.

"Cam." I said, pulling his attention from his phone.

He looked up and gave a questioning look. "What?"

"She's here." By those simple two words, he knew what I meant. He went straight to searching for her. In a split second, he turned back to me with a sly smile.

"Go talk to her." He said. I didn't know if she wanted to talk to me or even wanted to be around me. I bet she didn't even know I was here.

"No," I started. "She probably doesn't want to talk to me."

"Whatever." Cam said, letting go of the subject. We soon finished our lunch, leaving the food court, also leaving Liv behind.

Our day was coming to an end as we walked around the building with our hands full of bags. I walked in front of Cam with my hands full as him. I turned around, walking backwards to respond to his question.

"Do you miss her?" He asked.

"Yeah of course I miss her. She was my wor-" I was cut off by backing into someone. My bags dropped and so did theirs.

"I'm so sorry." I said picking up her bags. I looked at her face, it was Liv.

"Here." I said handing her her bags.

"Thanks Nash." I missed the sound of her voice.

"How are you." I sounded like a complete dumb ass. I had just ran into and talked to her for the first time in months.

"I'm okay, what about you?" She tucked the little loose hair that always popped out behind her ear.

"I could be better." We had a little more small talk before her phone began to ring. She looked down at it and frowned a little.

"I gotta take this, It was nice talking to you." She said, taking her steps away from us.

"Bye Li." She waved a little as she answered her phone.

I was still in love with her, there was no denying it.


I'm back.

This was kind of a shorter chapter but whatever💁🏻

So I'll try to update during the summer but it will be hard because of summer camp (I'm gone all summer)

I hope you guys continue to like this story. I'm taking a little break from writing Distance for now so...

Anyways stay cloudy☁️


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