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I may not have thick muscles

Or abs made of steel

But I have strength deep within me

It flows within my soul.

I am Strong

I've stood up to the injustices of the world

With a will that will never break

And a resolve that hardens by the day

But I have not let the world harden me one bit.

I am Strong

I've shown my emotions through tears

Tears that flow like a river

Unafraid of what people might think

And I will never apologize for who I am.

I am Strong

I've stared death in the eyes

Felt his cold caress

And turned away

Determined to greet him another day.

I am Strong

I've been shattered into a million pieces

And put myself together again

I am not perfect

But I wear my cracks and chips with honor.

I am Strong

You've made me strong

Taught me courage and kindness

You gave me that strength that flows within my soul

And continue to do so 'til this day.

I am Strong

But if I lost you,

I would break.

Author's Note:
This poem is dedicated to my Nana who I love with all my heart.

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