Elias reached into the water, shattering my past and tugged me into the present. I let all my nerves loosen, shaking off any sign of distress. I did nothing better than hiding my fears.

"Jerk," I growled, tying my hair up. Elias stood above me laughing as he clenched his stomach. I smirked deviously as I kicked behind his knee cap, causing him to lose balance. He fell into the water next to me. Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Ha-ha-ha. You're real funny," Elias stared icily at me.

"I know; I'm hilarious," I winked. He cracked a smile, shoving cool water into my face. I mimicked him and started a full on war. He chased me across the shore, reaching out for me, but always letting me slip through his fingers. We ran around the shore, laughing as we chased each other.

"Gotcha," a pair of arms wrapped around my bare waist. I looked up to see Austin smirking and soaked. His dirt blonde curls framed his face in chunky strands.

"Damn." I crossed my arms in defeat, "Not again." Elias stuck his tongue out at me and waved. "Thanks for your help, friend!" I shouted at him before being thrown back into the water. Austin stood above me laughing with the rest of his band mates.

"Sorry, love, I just couldn't help it," he winked before walking away.

"You guys are jerks."

Sam walked over to me, helping me stand up.

"You're just too easy to pick on," she giggled as we walked back to where Chris was laying out. I glared at her for a second before sitting beside Chris. Digging my toes into the warm sand, I watched as Tyler, Austin, Elias, and Lexi threw around a football. Elias never looked like the sporty type, but he threw a football pretty well. I felt a storm rage in my stomach as I watched Elias flip his wet hair back. My heart tripped drunkenly back to sanity as I shook off the need to be close to Elias. I couldn't. He was taken and our futures weren't written in the stars. He was a crush developed by continuous interactions, so it wasn't real. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.

"Hey," he smirked, taking a seat next to me.


He shook his hair, ridding it of the salty liquid. I looked out to the lake to see Elias staring at us. Catching my eye contact, he removed his gaze and continued throwing the football. I felt a pit grow in my stomach. I pulled my knees up to my chest, sighing.

"Are you okay?" Austin asked, furrowing his eye brows.

"Yeah," I lied. I slid on my checkered shades and lied down on the sand, letting the millions of tiny pebbles massage my skin.

"So when do you guys graduate?" Austin asked, eyes glued to the lake.

"In two months," I smiled. I was glad high school was almost over. I could finally get the hell out of there.

"Nice! Have you applied to any colleges yet?" He questioned, now looking at me.

"Just a few, but to be honest, most of them are international," I sighed, feeling my insides tingle with excitement.

"No surprise there," Austin winked. I pulled my knees to my chest, daydreaming about what I hoped my life would be like.

"Hey, we're going to head home," Chris said, standing up.

"Did you want to come with us?" Sam asked me.

Shaking my head, I said, "No thanks, I'll just catch a ride with them."

"Alright, be safe!" Sam smiled. I stood up and hugged both Chris and Sam good-bye.

The sun was beginning to set by the time we finished at the lake. Lexi and Tyler sat close to the water, both wrapped in a blue blanket. Elias was who-knows-where while Austin was taking a nap beside me. Feeling tired, I stood up and started to the steps that led to the house. As I landed onto the next step, my weight shifted, causing me to stumble to the ground.

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